Day 3 — December 31 Days of Poetry

Devananda Vargas
2 min readDec 26, 2022


Mini Gnome and a Bonsai Tree
Gnome and a Bonsai Tree in my Kitchen

In an effort to free all the words that seem to endless be spilling out currently, I’ve endeavored on 30 days of poetry for the month of December giving myself 20 minutes per day. And the writing prompt list was found on Pinterest. I choose to write with my right hand then switch to the left and occasionally back to the right; this transition is indicated by ::::::: breaks.


Variables that end in differing
Perfection sought in fervor

Disappointment from lack of discipline
Perhaps instead misalignment

Simple recognition, acceptance

Pivot with a resolve to begin again
Confused but hopeful

Clarity in subtle signs
Reset, rebalance, recalibrate
Into the unfolding


Rarely satisfaction, equanimity, or

Where does the contentment live
Why does it seem so fleeting
Who is able to hold it with grace and humility
Teach me

Show me how you found it, made it,
Keep it

Bring me to this sacred ground of
Let me lay amongst the abundance
Help me accept that everything is
Change & energy, never stagnant

In slowness, in quietude, the otherwise
Imperceivable shifts occur

There / here is the magic
In your withdrawing
If you’re listening
If you’re open

And as soon as it is obvious
You are to thank it for it’s
Then release and let go
So that new space is created
And opened as the
Other can be perceived, celebrated
Understood, experienced and


Play with the ideas, the concepts
Remember, integrate, practice and
But then let go of the control
Surrender into the flow
Don’t stop up it’s power no matter
How overwhelming it may be
Relax there’s nothing to fear
For it exists and moves without
Your awareness
You are the guest, the passenger
Not the driver/conductor
Be of service to it

It is not about you personally
It is about it finding a way for
It to flow where it needs to go

Your choice is in whether you
Are the conduit to get it there

Can you open, empty, receive, purge
Enough to get in alignment and
Put yourself there

Can you release and put down your
Attachments to the thoughts, feelings
Emotions of what it “looks” like
In order to — simply be the space



Devananda Vargas

Musings from the soul stroll that is this human experience