Will the “Aliens” Really Attack Earth?

Devin Gates
14 min readJul 23, 2022


UFO’s and aliens have been all over the news recently, especially after the Congressional Hearing on UFO evidence gathered by the US Military. A recent “study” also suggest there are four races of hostile extraterrestrial life. Is it true?

Let’s tackle the giant elephant in the room first…

Do aliens truly exist? Can life be created and sustained outside of the habitable zone of our brilliant Sun? It’s a question that has been in the back of the minds of billions of people for millennia.

While there is a lot of “evidence” to the contrary, we simply haven’t had any undeniable, concrete proof of life outside of Earth. In fact, since we haven’t seen anyone in all this time, shouldn’t that be a hint that we truly are alone in the Universe?

According to supporters of the “Fermi Paradox”, that is one distinct possibility. Maybe life on Earth is truly unique, precious, and rare. Or, maybe, just maybe there is life all over the Universe, even in our solar system, but none are intelligent or capable enough to explore the cosmos.

Sure, we can somewhat explore the cosmos now, but we can barely get out of the shallow end of the proverbial pool at this point.

Personally, I whole-heartedly believe that alien life exists outside of our planet, solar system, and possibly even the Milky Way galaxy.

However, I also believe that alien life capable of interstellar travel would be so far advanced and so fully evolved that they would not use their precious time and resources to visit Earth just to destroy it or eliminate its inhabitants. A highly advanced race of intelligent beings would most likely be peaceful and logical — in my opinion.

Why Would Aliens Attack Earth?

Let’s imagine for a minute that aliens are real and they are on their way to Earth right now. There are tens of thousands of them who will arrive on a giant “Mothership” from hundreds or thousands of light-years away.

What would be their motivation to attack Earth upon arrival?

A lot of wild theories that I have looked into talk about aliens wanting to harvest our planet for the remaining, and limited, supply of gold buried under ground.

Fictional Alien Wearing Gold Harvested From Earth

No, I strongly doubt that aliens are interested in “bling”, but assuming they still use electricity in some capacity, gold is the best room-temperature electrical conductor on Earth (I say “room-temperature” because of the recent advancements in “super conductor” technology).

So, in some ways, that theory sort of makes sense, but I strongly doubt they would still be using traditional materials in their electrical circuits.

Others theorize that aliens would attack Earth simply to use the planet for extra room. I mean, think about it… Earth is an absolutely gorgeous planet full of beautiful scenery, comfortable climate and interesting life forms. Wouldn’t this make the perfect vacation spot for interstellar travelers? They could even enslave us humans for free labor!

Or, maybe, like humans, some aliens just want to watch the world burn. Maybe taking over planets and enslaving its inhabitants is good sport for certain races of alien beings.

Or, even more likely, maybe — just maybe — aliens actually would NOT attack Earth. Maybe “they” want us to believe that alien life would be hostile and would need to be met with brute force and swift action…

As far as theories go, I’m sticking with that last one. In my opinion, aliens would not travel all this way just to be hostile. I’d imagine a race of aliens capable of interstellar travel would be enlightened enough to not be hostile. Rather, they may even just be curious like scientists, or explorers, here on Earth.

So, then why all this fear around UFO’s and “hostile races of aliens in our Milky Way galaxy” studies?

What’s Actually Going to Happen?

If all this talk about aliens hasn’t sent you running for the hills yet, this next section may be the catalyst for your long uphill trek.

In order to fully grasp the scope of this “theory” and really understand the “why” behind it, you should absolutely take some time and watch “Unacknowledged” by Dr. Steven Greer on Hulu ASAP. Fair warning, it’s a rather wild ride, and admittedly the main influence behind this article.

Dr. Steven M Greer on Cover of His Documentary, “Disclosure”

As a quick summary of the documentary, it’s all about what’s being called “Project Blue Beam”. In a nutshell, it is a top-secret (“unacknowledged”) military project involving aliens, holograms, and “Mass Formation”.

The basic idea is that the US government, at some point in the future, will conduct a false flag alien invasion of the Earth in coordination with other major countries.

How exactly can they fake an alien invasion?

Well, there are some folks who believe that they will use the same exact hologram technology that they used on a certain Tuesday morning in September of 2001 at approximately 9:00 am.

Remember what happened to a certain five-sided building that day? Remember how folks kept on talking about how there was no aviation vessel in sight, but rather a “cruise missile”? Remember how there was absolutely no physical evidence of an aviation vessel and exactly zero seconds of footage proving an aviation vessel was involved in the crash?

The fact is, there wasn’t an aviation vessel used at either site that day. Sure, there is some video footage of an aviation vessel hitting a certain tall pair of buildings in New York that day, but the footage is grainy, short, and only a handful of videos were taken that day — as compared to 2022.

However, with modern technology, video and conspiracy enthusiasts have broken down and examined all the footage from that morning. What they found were MAJOR inconsistencies between how the planes were flying, and how physics said they should have been flying.

In some frames of the videos, the wings of the plane just disappear completely for a split second, almost as if something had walked in front of a projector.

Other clips just look and feel disingenuous. This clip, for example, is one that has been analyzed by folks (unfortunately, I can’t seem to find the exact video I want for this article) and if you play it back as slowly as possible, you’ll notice how the lighting looks a bit off as the plane hits the building.

Also notice how the plane seemingly slides right into the side of the building as if it were a hot knife cutting through room temperature butter.

If you don’t believe me, I get it. But, before you dismiss it all together, just watch the “Unacknowledged” documentary where they explain all of this in much greater detail with way better evidence.

The point is, the US Government has been using and improving on holographic technology for decades now. There is no telling how else it has been used in the past, but do you remember all of those videos showing “Floating Cities” in China and in Africa? Some of the clips are plain spooky as you can almost hear the sounds of the city streets which are just floating up in the clouds!

“Floating City” in the Clouds Over China

Yes, they could just be a “mirage”, but the particular image above was taken with the camera pointed up in the sky. I don’t know of any mirage which can project itself thousands of feet into the sky.

The point is, this could be another test of the governments’ hologram technology. Or, sure, it could just be a mirage and I’m just a crazy conspiracy nut!

But, is it really so hard to believe that we have the technology capable of projecting large images in the sky? Is it really incomprehensible that the powers that be would stage (another) attack on its own people?

Folks, the government attacking its own people has been happening since the beginning of government itself! Why do you think that’d change in 2022?

Why Would “They” Do Any of This?

This is usually the point at which people will ask, “okay, assuming you’re not completely crazy, why the hell would the government go through all of this to fake an alien invasion?”

That’s a great question, and it can be answered in a single phrase: Absolute Power

Regardless of what you believe about 9/11, one thing we can all agree on is that the world changed immediately after that day. I still remember how spooky it was to stare up into the sky and NOT see any planes for days after the event.

One thing that I’ll never forget is how many American flags were being flown, sold, traded, and worn. There wasn’t a single car on the road without an American flag waving from the antenna for MONTHS. Every street vendor had those flags on a small wooden stick at every corner.

People banded together and put their differences aside for a while and identified as Americans first.

So, what really changed? A greater sense of national pride, and comradery through a common enemy. Those two ingredients actually helped justify the next 20 years of bloody and unjust war in the Middle East.

Not only that, but immediately following 9/11, every single American alive today signed away all but a few basic freedoms. If you don’t remember, go ahead and brush up on the “Patriot Act” signed into law by President George W Bush in 2001.

For the common good, Georgie boy signed all of our freedoms away in exchange for heightened security, and surveillance, to ensure this never happens again. “Never Again” — sound familiar?

TSA Agents Leading by Example…

Soon after, you weren’t able to walk through an airport freely. No, way! Now we have to deal with TSA agents who are absolutely awful at their job and fail about 95% of their safety inspections every year and cause innocent people a great deal of embarrassment for their own amusement.

The point is, after a horrific event like 9/11, our world changed. As a population, we felt justified in our “War on Terr”. We exchanged freedom and peace of mind for the illusion of stronger security — all in the name of freedom, mind you.

At the end of the day, the government has MUCH more control today than it ever had before September 11'th, 2001.

The most important points here are the increase in National Pride or identity, and the heightened sense of comradery through a common enemy.

Those are the two ingredients needed for the next phase of the plan.

We MUST Get Off Fossil Fuels Immediately…

As a specie, at this point, we are dependent on oil to meet our energy demands. This is to produce electricity for our homes, allow us to drive our vehicles to and from work, and believe it or not, pharmaceuticals!

However, it is becoming clearer on a daily basis that we must stop relying on and using fossil fuels for the sake of our planet. Hurricanes increase in strength every year, winter is becoming shorter and shorter in the North East of the United States, and wild fires blaze through California and Oregon on a regular basis.

But, why don’t we just find something else? There must be other ways to produce electricity or power a vehicle, right?

Of course there are, and they have existed for decades, actually. In fact, in the 1930’s a gentleman by the name of Charles Nelson Pogue invented what he called a “Water Injected Carburetor” with which he was able to achieve over 100 miles per gallon of gasoline!

Never heard of him, huh?

Oh, and did you know that the Diesel engine was originally invented to be a less expensive, and more fuel efficient, alternative to gasoline? The main reason is because diesel fuel is less refined, so it’s much cheaper to produce per gallon than gasoline.

However, Rudolf Diesel had other things in mind for his marvelous invention. He wanted an engine that need not rely strictly on fossil fuels. Rather, the engine can run on almost ANY naturally occurring oil.

It’s true! Have you ever seen a diesel truck running on French fry oil? And yes, they do smell pretty awesome!

If all of this is true, then how come we don’t have internal combustion cars capable of 100 mpg today? How come people aren’t going out and buying vehicles with a diesel engine to save money on fuel? Vegetable oil is MUCH less expensive than gasoline at this point.

Image by pasja1000 from Pixabay

There is ONE reason you haven’t heard of this before. One word: Profit.

If any technology that could somehow impact the sale or trade of fossil fuels, that puts the United States’ entire economy at risk. Hell, it puts the entire globe on shaky ground since the US Dollar is king.

If Ford released a car 10 years ago that could get 100 miles per gallon, imagine how much gasoline those drivers wouldn’t have purchased over that 10-year period. That would be a lot of money not going right into the oil companies’ pockets.

Also, the US Dollar is essentially backed by, among other superficial things, the consumption and dependence on fossil fuels. If the consumption of oil goes down, our country is in BIG trouble.

That is primarily why we have yet to find another fuel source.

However, the powers at be KNOW that this cannot continue on much longer. The changes in global climate are unavoidable at this point. Sure, the politicians will still cry “witch hunt” about it, but the fact remains that behind closed doors, they all understand that we need to stop consuming fossil fuels ASAP.

But, we can’t just walk away from fossil fuels without replacing it with something else. The US Dollar has to be backed by at least something tangible. They need to keep the wealth gap intact as well! Think of how much money people would save if they didn’t have to buy gas right now!

What we need is a big change. A huge catastrophic change that will blindside everyone. Give them no time to react to what’s going on. Then, while everyone is panicking and there is chaos everywhere, the Elite puts their plan into action, and they get a head start on the New World Order to secure their position among the Elite.

What Replaces Fossil Fuels Then?

This is a tricky question to answer because it could be a ton of different things. Nuclear energy could substitute fossil fuels. Solar energy isn’t too bad either.

But, the economic problem with “renewable” energy is that it is not a consumable good. Once you buy a solar array or a wind turbine, aside from maintenance and what not, you don’t have to keep on buying solar arrays and turbines to keep the lights on.

That means, whatever replaces fossil fuels must be consumable, and metered. The item must also be taxable so that the government gets their cut. Not a yearly tax like one would pay on a solar array or wind turbine, but a sales tax on the product itself.

The point is, in order for something to replace oil, it has to also cause the least amount of disruption to cash flow. That makes sense, right?

So, what could possibly play the same role in our lives as fossil fuels without actually being fossil fuels? What substance can we harness for energy to power our vehicles, cargo planes, and homes in the winter?

Mercury (Hg) Element 80 Atomic Weight 200.59


Mercury is a consumable product that can be purchased over and over. The purchase of the product can easily be taxed, and it isn’t a fossil fuel.

But, can Mercury produce power? Can we actually take a liquid metal and power a vehicle?

According to some sources on YouTube (yes, I know, not everything on YouTube is true) Mercury can actually be used as an energy source — maybe even a powerful one.

The particular video in the link also goes over something quite interesting. Other sources have also corroborated his stories, so I‘m inclined to think they’re true. They say that Mercury was used for many reasons throughout time. In fact, it was known as a medicinal “miracle cure” by many!

But, what happened? Mercury is extremely dangerous to humans, right? If a human ingests it, that’s bad news! Even the fumes from it can cause bodily harm!!


That description sounds familiar, doesn’t it?

Isn’t there another substance on Earth that is extremely dangerous to ingest that even has fumes that could cause bodily harm?

Oh, right, that sounds a lot like gasoline, huh? We aren’t supposed to ingest gasoline or breath in its fumes. But, the government has never encouraged everyone to throw away their gasoline, right? If you get gasoline on your hand, you don’t freak out like you would if it were Mercury, right?

Then why the hell would the government want everyone to be “afraid” of Mercury? Why would they make the sale and possession (in most cases) of the substance illegal per the Mercury Export Ban Act in 2008?

Well, maybe it was done so that the Mercury supply could be stockpiled and controlled by the government in the event that we run out of fossil fuels.

Or maybe not! Maybe I’m way off base here!

So… Why the “Alien Invasion”?

If it weren’t already obvious, the “alien invasion” will be the aforementioned distraction that completely blindsides people so they aren’t paying attention to anything else.

It is to have people rally around a common enemy and create a greater sense of national pride.

It’s also to create the “need” for even tighter security and closer surveillance on people. How many people are going to refuse “help” from an authority figure when an enormous mothership is hovering above?

People will beg for martial law, and they’ll get it!

During all of the initial confusion and chaos an alien invasion would inevitably cause, the economy would essentially freeze. It would be worse than the start of COVID in 2020.

This gives the Elite plenty of time to move money around and increase the wealth gap even further.

However, there is a much more important reason for all of this. We have to think about what’s on the other side of this thing.

They need an excuse to have just discovered the “magical” properties of Mercury (if that is indeed the replacement for fossil fuels)! They aren’t going to want to admit that they’ve been hiding this technology for decades while purposely polluting our environment and destroying our atmosphere just so they could make a few men a bunch of money. That wouldn’t be a good look…

The perfect excuse is that they reverse engineered a downed craft during “the war” and figured out how to use Mercury for clean power.

A whole new industry will be born. An entirely new global economy with an entirely different wealth distribution. For the better? For the worse? Only time will tell.

That said, there will most likely be an “alien invasion” or “alien attack”, but DO NOT buy into their schemes. There will not be hostile aliens coming to take over the world. The ones who really want to take over the world were born and raised right here on Earth…


What do YOU think? Am I just a crazy conspiracy nut? Have you seen anything else about this? WATCH THE DOCUMENTARY!!



Devin Gates

Writer | Learner | Musician | Sales Professional — Come read some of my wild theories, thoughts, and explanations of the Universe!