Voodoo and Witchcraft — Parallel Histories and Modern Spell Casting

Devon Samuel
3 min readSep 27, 2017


Witchcraft and Voodoo are fundamentally much the same. Are all a location for spirituality. Both find the divine. The motivation behind both Voodoo and Witchcraft is also similar; not evil or malicious, Voodoo and Witchcraft within their core are designed to help real people solve the true conditions appear in their lives. These are generally holistic spiritual practices supposed to touch every facets of a person’s life; they promote spiritual development, personal enrichment, and love.
The history of Voodoo and Witchcraft also offers parallels. While Voodoo can be an African magical tradition, Witchcraft is especially a European tradition. However, both Voodoo and Witchcraft happen to be severely repressed. Many Witches suffered torture and death at the hands of religious authorities throughout Europe and the Americas. Similarly, when Voodoo Priests were stolen from Africa as slaves and delivered to the Americas, slave masters feared the potency of Voodoo magics and experimented with stamp against each other at every turn.
Nonetheless, Voodoo and Witchcraft have survived. This is the evidence of the electricity and love that lives inside hearts of devout practitioners of both traditions. Despite many centuries of severe persecution, have retained their traditional beliefs, spells, and practices. Every one has emerged stronger and much more powerful on this modern world. And both are still readily available at the fingertips of those that need assistance through the modern Witch or Voodoo Priest.

Aside from this parallel history, one thing Voodoo and Witchcraft have most obviously in common will be the practice of spell casting. As both have retained ancient magical practices the mainstream world has forgotten, they can offer something to all of us on this modern world that virtually no other venue can. It’s these traditions, as well as others — such as Santeria, Candomble, Obeah, Kabbalah, Ceremonial Magic, and much more — which may have retained the strategies of the ancient world as well as the mysteries therein. The most typical workings of the — spells — usually takes many forms.
Voodoo and Witchcraft share many elements when it comes to spell casting. Even though rituals are very different, the purpose of the rituals is similar. Voodoo and Witchcraft could be utilized for high spiritual ends, but you are also very practical. People frequently check out the Witch or Voodoo Priest for love spells, spells suggest with money, along with other types of workings that generally make life easier. This really is one of many amazing things about both Voodoo and Witchcraft that numerous mainstream religions miss out on — they are aware of you. They are very into earth, understand your particular problems being a individual, which enable it to proscribe spells and rituals that can actually assist them to.
The decision between Voodoo and Witchcraft is largely dependent on personal taste. When you are seeking a person to help you with spells, spiritual matters, energy work, or something different you should hire a roofer you’re confident with. Many people offer an interest in Voodoo; if Voodoo calls out to you, by all means you ought to find a Voodoo Priest that may help you. If Witchcraft appeals more to you, you need to discover a Witch. As spiritual beings to start with we know what’s perfect for us; hear your heart in order to find the tradition that talks to you.
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