Why Traditional Asset Managers Are Making the Switch to Onchain: An Insider’s View

2 min readSep 13, 2023


Traditional asset management make the switch to onchain asset management
Photo by Alex Tai on Unsplash


The asset management industry is undergoing a seismic shift. Traditional asset managers are increasingly making the switch to onchain platforms. This post aims to delve into the reasons behind this transition.

The Inefficiencies of Traditional Asset Management

  • High Fees: Traditional asset managers often charge significant fees.
  • Lack of Transparency: Many investors report a lack of full transparency with their traditional asset managers.
  • Operational Inefficiencies: A considerable amount of time is spent on non-core activities.

The Onchain Advantage

  • Reduced Fees: Onchain platforms like Dexify offer more competitive fees.
  • Transparency: Onchain platforms provide full transparency in investments.
  • Operational Efficiency: The use of smart contracts eliminates the need for middlemen, streamlining operations.

The Role of Venom Blockchain

  • Security: Venom Blockchain’s regulated environment ensures a secure transition for traditional asset managers.
  • Compliance: Smart contracts on Venom Blockchain can be customized to meet regulatory requirements, making compliance more straightforward.

The Future is Onchain

  • Projected Growth: The onchain asset management industry is expected to grow significantly in the coming years.
  • Adoption Rates: A growing number of traditional asset managers are considering the switch to onchain platforms.


Traditional asset managers are not just considering the switch to onchain platforms; they are actively making it. With platforms like Dexify, built on the regulated Venom blockchain, the transition is not just seamless but also advantageous. The future of asset management is unequivocally onchain.





Building the infrastructure for onchain traded funds