Dexta CEO Talks About How Dexmo Force Feedback Gloves Are Made

Dexta Robotics
29 min readJun 12, 2019


Hi. This is Aler Gu (Xiaochi Gu), the CEO of Dexta Robotics. We have been exploring with different means of human-machine-interactions for VR/MR since 2014, searching for the most intuitive solution for everyone. To be more specific: we have long been trying to make force feedback gloves a reality.

Dexmo enables a natural and intuitive interaction in VR (This is posed for photograph, in reality trackers are needed for Dexmo to work in 6DoF)

For people who are not yet familiar with our product: Dexmo is a commercialized lightweight, wireless, force feedback glove. It offers the most compelling force feedback experience with both motion capture and force feedback abilities, designed for the use in training, education, medical, gaming, simulation, aerospace and much more. Dexmo is the most easy-to-use force feedback glove, designed for both researchers, enterprises and consumers. Its natural and intuitive interaction enables everyone to seamlessly touch a truly immersive VR world.

This video showcases the manufacturing process of the Dexmo, 80 hours of footage condensed into one minute.

Fancy tech demos are not uncommon these days. What’s special about Dexmo is that it is far beyond just a concept. It not only works, but it also works well. And most importantly, we are already mass manufacturing them, bringing the technology a further step closer to the public.

But before we go into the final product details, I would like to share with you some of my thoughts first, including how we got started, the importance of interaction in VR, what drives us and then the latest advancements in our products.

It’s a rather long article so I broke it into four parts. You may skip to the part that interests you the most:

>Project Inception

>Why is it Important

>Background Knowledge

>Product Development

Project Inception:

In 2013, when I first saw Oculus Rift, I was thrilled by the idea. Seeing its development I started to understand it could be way more than just a gaming gadget. It was the first step towards the next page of media. If we take a look into the history of media development: started from writing letters, to sending photos, to publishing newspapers, to using radio, to television, to personal computers, to smartphones, we humans have come a long way. Our technology advancements have allowed us to communicate with a gradually increasing information density over the course of history. We constantly try our best to build technologies that approximate and simulate our real-life interactions.

But does our current technology allow two distant people to communicate as if they were sitting next to each other yet? Apparently not. They can’t see each other’s body movement, neither can they hand objects over to another. There are still lots of room for improvement. Every time when an incrementally better media technology matures, it changes generations of people’s lives fundamentally. VR/MR, transforming everything from 2D to 3D is nothing but a logical step that comes after. However, in what form exactly?

There were many people working on headsets, but it takes much more than just a good headset to have a fully immersive experience. There are some other equally important problems to be solved. We have all seen those goofy photos of someone wearing a headset with their hands extended in front of their face when there is nothing for taking their hands into VR. I realized something was obviously missing. Hands, being an extension of our mind, enables the most natural human interaction.

This is what it should look like in order for people to really use their hands in VR

It wasn’t just me. I was told by many VR enthusiasts that they not only wanted to use their hands in VR, but also wanted to feel objects they are grasping. Sadly such technology didn’t really exist at that time. The closest available products back then were mostly cable-driven, had their motor box far at the other end, and were highly expensive. They were bulky, out-of-date, difficult to manufacture or repair in large volume, and far too complicated for the general consumers.

I have always been very passionate about robotics. And I like a challenge. Thus, I felt it was my responsibility to build something that helps with my understanding of the technology. Forget about what data gloves looked like in the past. What form would a consumer-friendly force feedback glove really take? Having that idea in mind, we ended up re-designing everything from the ground up, and that’s where the idea for the Dexmo project was created.

Why is it Important:

When the PC was first invented, it was a cool gadget for a rather small crowd. You would need to know how to use command lines to work with a PC. It was not until mouse and GUI(Graphical User Interface) were introduced into the system could people with zero technical background use a PC and did it start to walk into mainstream. It’s hard to imagine Win3.0 could sell over 4 million units without being that user-friendly.

There were already dozens of smartphone attempts on the market before iPhone. But they failed to acquire the mass general consumers’ attention, because they were expensive and difficult to use. However, the iPhone succeeded with its amazing touchscreen plus touch-based GUI interface. When a five-year-old could swipe its finger and play games without even reading the manual, you can definitely recognize its tremendous success in lowering the learning cost.

VR/MR is facing the same issue here. In order for any new media technology to go to mass market, it has to be truly “easy-to-use”. And it can be very difficult to find the most appropriate approach. As much as I appreciate controllers, they just did not seem to be intuitive enough. If you are a gamer you know how controllers work. Good. But if you are new to it, it could take a long time for you to get used to the keys and joystick controls. Well, how should we solve this?

When iPhone was introduced to the world, Steve Jobs famously said:

“They (referring to other smartphone products) all have these keyboards that are there whether you need them or not to be there.

And they all have these control buttons that are fixed in plastic and are the same for every application. Well, every application wants a slightly different user interface, a slightly optimized set of buttons, just for it. And what happens if you think of a great idea six months from now? You can’t run around and add a button to these things. They’re already shipped.

So what do you do?

It doesn’t work because the buttons and the controls can’t change. They can’t change for each application, and they can’t change down the road if you think of another great idea you wanna add to this product.”

Parallel comparison between VR and other products’ HCI development

I personally feel this is strongly relatable to the current VR situation. Motion controllers have fixed keys and controls and only partially recreate a hand-like experience. Instead of directly building different interfaces in different applications based on our natural hand-using habits, every developer has to tweak their applications based on a specific controller hardware. In order to use the application, end users have to learn how to use the hardware first, thus limiting the growth of the market, making it increasingly difficult for the developers to make money.

There is a well-known paradox that is debated: in a software ecosystem whether do the users come first or do developers come first. I gave it a lot of thoughts in the past few years and arrived at a conclusion: Users first. Whenever a new ecosystem is formed, if it fails to attract users, the developers in the longer terms won’t be motivated enough to continuously develop for this platform. Surface RT is a good negative example, and Oculus in the early days too. The key is to lower the cost of entry for the users. When everything just works and no learning is needed for users to join, even when there are only a few applications, they will join. Because the attraction is greater than obstacles. Similar to what iPhone did when it came out, it was so intuitive that people who didn’t even think they needed a smartphone started using them. Simple games helped developers make millions of dollars. And this positively motivates the developers to join. This is what we need for VR as well. That’s why I firmly believe that we could help.

For example, imagine you are opening a map in real life. What do you do? You reach for the map from your backpack, open it up to look at it. That experience can be made possible using proper interaction technology. In VR with the current hardware, that turns into: “click the grip button on your controller to open the manual, and use the beam from your other controller to target at the map option on the manual and pull the trigger to confirm your selection.” It is made unnecessarily complicated due to the current limitation of hardware.

But from an engineering point of view, it makes sense. Because building a stable controller hardware is much easier than building a pair of working force feedback gloves. Don’t get me wrong, I greatly appreciate controllers. Without them there won’t even be any hand presence experience at all in VR yet. But apparently, we as humans, can’t stop here. As difficult as it might be, we should do what’s right rather than what’s easy. We have to keep refining our technology until it all becomes “Stupid Easy”. Because then and only then will ordinary people start using VR. Not just gamers, not just VR fans, but everyday people. And that’s what drives us to build this product.

Background Knowledge:

Before I dive into the product talk, I should lay out some background info and point out some of the common misunderstandings in the field of HCI, for people to understand better.

Development of VR Human-Computer-Interface

This chart demonstrates some of the representative means of human-machine- interaction(HCI) in VR. The order is based on functionalities, not necessarily by the date of launch. To make it easy I used tick and cross for each functionality but there are subtle differences between different method and to fully understand them, further explanation is needed.

It starts with an ordinary controller where gamers are familiar with. It has control buttons, joysticks and vibration motors to provide feedback. However, it does not bring hand presence in VR, let along positional tracking. PS4 controllers fixed the tracking issue, but it is still very limited.

A milestone that comes after that was the Vive motion controllers, where for the first time users can have their separate hand position input back into VR, and pick up objects by pulling the trigger. It has a grip button on sides of the controller built with the intention for people to easily “grip virtual objects” but the actual user experience was not extraordinary satisfactory. Many people got confused the first time and dropped the controller when they released the grip button.

Oculus Touch finger tracking performance (This test focuses on finger tracking. The button-based interactions are not shown in the GIF.)

Oculus Touch, while serving most offerings that Vive controller does, offers much greater ergonomics and primitive partial finger tracking: binary tracking (on or off only) for the thumb and the index finger. It only works on two fingers and does not allow for the analog (continuous) tracking of the exact finger flexion. The rest three fingers flexes together when the grip button is pressed. It was a very helpful step to bring hand presence a bit closer to the users, but still limited in many ways.

Knuckles finger tracking performance

Valve’s Knuckles, now called Index controllers, on top of what Touch offers, further improves hand tracking. It incorporates an additional set of sensors on its handle to allow full five finger tracking and develops a very innovative wearing ergonomics which allows users to fully open their hand without dropping the controller. It is the most capable motion controller up to date. That being said, its finger tracking is still limited (continues detection works only in close proximity ( finger flexion < 30°). It switches to on-and-off detection in far range ( >30°)) and has limited degrees of freedom (DoF) of five: one for each finger, meaning you can’t input the rotation of thumb and the splitting of four fingers into VR.

On a different track, there is Leap motion and some other vision-based hand tracking solutions. They offer real size full hand tracking with continuous finger flexing tracking but understandably there is zero means of feedback. Not even the old-fashion vibration-based haptics. Although it captures hand motion at a much higher precision and higher degrees of freedom (notably on the split of fingers and thumb dexterity), the reliability of tracking is debatable. Due to its vision-based solution, if a hand is blocked from the camera, it loses tracking instantly.

Another track for fine hand tracking is data gloves. Most data gloves use flex sensor based or IMU (inertia-measuring-units)based solutions which track 5–10 DoF of hand motion based on the number of sensors use, giving them capabilities to capture continuous finger flexion. Flex sensors change resistance based on their physical deformation, which implies the sensor’s limited lifespan. IMU-based solutions incorporate data fusion with a magnetometer, accelerometer and gyroscope to recreate the 3DoF orientation of each finger and work backwards using inverse-kinematics to regenerate hand models. The pros are the sensor itself does not physically deform so it does not wear, however due to its inertia-based nature, the reliability of the data isn’t brilliant, resulting in “data drifting” which requires frequent re-calibration. The reliability is influenced by metal, magnets and magnetic fields around. This is the very reason why it is difficult to put multiple vibration motors near IMU based gloves. Because every time it activates, the magnetic field changes and the data stability suffers, so the hand model can look very weird to users. This nature limits data gloves’ feedback system. That’s why we see many of the gloves only have one motor poorly mounted on the wrist: clearly not the best number or place for optimized experience.

Dexmo finger tracking performance

Lastly, there’s our solution. The mechanical exoskeleton moves with users’ hand and transduces its motion to rotational sensors built within the system and produces force feedback to each of the fingertip. It captures 11 DoF of hand motion, thus reconstructs the hand model at a very realistic level of precision. The force feedback function physically stops the users’ finger from penetrating through a digital object and thus allows users to feel its shape, size and stiffness. Although it takes up larger space than other solutions, this is a very reliable way of capturing continuous finger motion. And the size also gives us enough space to put in the force feedback units. Physical buttons and Joysticks on controllers seem redundant because you can press virtual buttons and use virtual joysticks in VR if needed. Regardless how many of them you need, it adds no cost. While not sacrificing hand dexterity, we manage to add force feedback to a portable sized glove for the first time in the commercialized data glove history.

If we look back the development of controllers, the trend was pretty obvious. Hand presence was getting increasingly important, and different parties tried different methods to make it right. Each product was a result of trade-offs. Controller track tried to add finger tracking into its hardware, but the tracking precision and force feedback abilities were limited due to the size of the hardware and tracking method chosen. This is the trade-off of not letting go of the controller form factor.

Controllers are rather inexpensive to manufacture, and for now it is very helpful for bridging the already-large gamer group, but if we want this to go beyond just gamers, it needs to be pushed further. Vision-based tracking doesn’t require the users to wear anything, which lowers the “wearing cost”. But the unreliable tracking can instantly break the immersion and the lack of feedback makes it hard for users to know what they are actually doing. Data gloves kind of lie in between. It offers rather reliable hand tracking with occasional small glitches, and the ability to provide some form of feedback. But it requires people to wiggle their hand to put it on, which can be quite discouraging in comparison to just easily pick up a pair of controllers. The single point haptics it uses does not give user enough feedback for their hands as well. A really balanced solution that makes the experience overall easy-to-use is yet to be found.

I am not saying Dexmo is the best form of HCI, because it still has much to improve. There may be temperature feedback, texture feedback and a lot of other types of feedback to continuously improve immersion. But force feedback does bring an incredible amount of immersion into VR and is definitely a great step further.

Another thing I would like to add is that feedback-adding does have to follow a certain order. Force feedback involves motor placement and transmission, which takes up a huge space. This can greatly alter its form factor. It is much easier to figure this out first then to add other forms of feedback than do it in other order instead. This is why I think our exoskeleton design marks a good starting point in the revolution of VR HCI.

Some common misunderstandings:

  • Global tracking & Local tracking:

Global tracking (positional tracking) and local tracking (finger/ hand tracking) are different concepts. In the article when I talk about gloves, I am mainly focusing on their local tracking abilities. The positional tracking of gloves can be achieved by attaching existing tracking technology (i.e. the Vive tracker, Optitrack markers, etc.), so I omitted this part in the discussion.

  • Finger tracking & Hand tracking:

Although many hardware somewhat incorporates hand presence, but it is achieved to different extent. The main comparing criteria are “Finger flexion continuity”, “Degrees of freedom”, “Reliability” and “Overall experience” rather than just the “Precision” alone where most people used falsely. Apparently, it is not fair to say a “precise but unreliable” solution is better than a “reliable and has higher DoF but less precise” one. There are more criteria than just precision.

Being able to flex your finger at any angle you want in VR is different than only being able to have them in either of the two states: extended or flexed. This difference is caused by different tracking methods. Touch, and Knuckles used proximity sensors for binary detection of fingers, thus they can only detect on and off of fingers and compensate in graphics using animations, and they only capture 3/5 DoF of finger motion respectively. On the other hand, data gloves and vision-based solutions can detect the exact finger flexion at higher scale division and detect hand motion at much higher DoF. But because the controllers produce binary data, they can be much more reliable. Vision-based solution has higher exact-precision, but due to the blockage-caused tracking-lost, its over-all experience is debatable.

Thumb tracking is also very important on its own. For most hand tracking solutions, the purpose is purely to recreate a virtual hand that looks like a real hand rather than one that works like a real hand. For example, when you grasp with a motion controller, the virtual hand closes automatically and then the controller rumbles. The hand model and the animation are just good enough to fool the users. This is viable when no specific feedback is needed to be applied based on each finger movement. But not with realistic force feedback or even haptic feedback. In order to have the force or rumble at the exact right place and with the exact right magnitude, the virtual-regeneration of hands needs to be as close to reality as possible. Our thumb has 3 degrees of freedom. It would be impossible to accurately feedback if we ignore thumb data in the first place. And that is why our Dexmo is equipped with the ability to capture all the thumb movements.

  • Haptics & Force feedback:

Haptics is so widely used nowadays that it can be a very misleading word sometimes. Haptics originally means “any form of interaction involving touch”, which covers a lot of things: from vibration, texture, temperature, to force conduction. But because many game controllers have a vibration motor inside and they promote it as “haptics feedback”, many people narrowly see “haptics” as ”vibration”, which is a common misconception.

There are many forms of haptics. To help people understand, I will give examples with products, mainly explaining the differences between different types of vibration and force feedback:

Single point vibration: Xbox controller (two points on each side of the handle), Motion controllers, some data gloves.

Multiple point vibration: VR feedback vest that has motors distributed all across the surface.

Point Force Feedback: Phantom Seansable Arm, Novint Falcon, that provides 6DoF of force feedback to a single point in space.

Multi-point Force Feedback: Dexmo, that provides local force feedback to multiple points in space.

When some data gloves were promoted to be “haptic gloves”, the false impression people tend to have is when they touch something in VR wearing it, they may feel something on the fingertip or on the palm. But in reality, it may turn out to be a very disappointing single point buzz on the wrist, which makes it technically still a “haptics glove”, this is far from what people are expecting. And when companies don’t discretely say “force feedback” but instead say “haptics”, they usually just mean tactile vibration.

Product Development:

Before even started doing anything, I spent a large amount of time thinking about how to make it easy for everybody. The answer was to lower the cost on all aspects. I wasn’t just talking about the cost of hardware, but the cost for learning how to use it, cost for wearing it, cost for making it, cost for developing software for it, etc.. That breaks down into many different aspects of product. For example, for people to use it seamlessly, the product itself cannot have a huge physical presence. If it is too heavy, or goes up to your wrist, or has wires pulling back everywhere, you can’t imagine it being user-friendly enough because it breaks the immersion every time you realize it’s there. And that’s what we have to work with. We have to figure out how to get the best performance out of it, being aware of the size and many other limits. Having the guiding principle in mind, we started our exploration.

A collection out of our over fifty past iterations of designs

We had our first public appearances in 2014 where I had the initial idea of building an exoskeleton that could not only capture hand motion, but also on top of it, provide binary force feedback using a miniature braking disc mechanism. The attempt was successful. It worked, but it wasn’t good enough. The biggest flaw was huge latency and inconsistent force feedback induced by the mechanical brake. So we started over.

In 2016 we announced the new Dexmo. Though inheriting the exoskeleton look, it was actually based on a completely different robotic architectural, capable of outputting continuous torque with a reasonable latency of 50ms. It was a huge deal because it proved that direct drive force feedback gloves might actually work. Despite being called “bulky”, it showed a viable form factor of a future force feedback glove.

It wasn’t just about making something that works. It was about balancing, and understanding the difference between what we could do and what we should do. For example, we could use 20 motors per hand to create the most realistic force feedback glove, but it would weigh 1kg, be ridiculously expensive and impossible to wear, which defeated the purpose in the first place.

Since 2016 our team has spent most of our time in Shenzhen, China, the “Bay Area for Hardware”, where components of all kinds were much more accessible than anywhere else on earth. We raised a few million dollars and dove into our work. That was the time when we went into stealth mode and stopped doing PR. Because I knew in order to make it really work, there were still a ton of engineering issues to be solved. Instead of exaggerating and telling everybody about how amazing the product is without letting people see it or try it anywhere, I preferred to get work done first to “show and tell”. I always feel overselling is a dangerous strategy that can be counterproductive.

These videos were taken in 2017. Sincere thanks to Karl at SVVR, Jeremy & Norm at Tested and everybody who participated in our internal testing.

We had industrial professionals tested out first batches of engineering prototypes to give their honest opinions. From the feedback we gathered, people generally liked the product and the experience and showed great appreciation to our engineering efforts. It was very difficult to define what form should it take since it has never been done before. But being told that our technology was superior definitely reassured us that we were on the right track.

It was good, but there was still much to improve. Since then we started to optimize every little thing to make Dexmo more usable. Ergonomic, weight, size, structure integrity, motor controls, communication, fabrication methods, interaction handling engine, SDK for developers, sample programs… There were more than 16 different technical stacks involved and required close cooperation between many software, control, electrical and mechanical engineers. It was really complicated, we had so much fun.

The software was a critical and challenging part of Dexmo’s development. For people to actually use it easily, it cannot just be a hardware. It needs to be a system. This really was a paradox when we just got started. It was impossible to build software for something that didn’t exist yet. But after we had a hardware and started the software work we would soon realize some changes were better made in the hardware, which would also affect the current software design. Every time we updated the system, it was at least a 2-month job.

Having an SDK and having a good SDK is very different. In 2017 we shipped some early testing units. We had a working SDK that had already been successfully used by many people. However our customers still had so many questions about it that we literally had hundreds of emails coming back and forth. We underestimated how a new hardware system can be difficult for software developers.

Dexmo SDK with step by step instructions

Building a good hand-object interface in VR is hard because the hardware is new. So we predefined a lot of interfaces and packed them into examples to help developers get started. To make the SDK easy to use, it also has to be really well documented, which too requires extra effort. In the following year, we further enriched our SDK with step by step instructions that even people with no software development experience should be able to use it just by following the steps. (Fun fact: One of our SDK testing engineers actually came from a mechanical engineering background with zero coding ability when he joined us. Now he can use the SDK system quite easily.)

The most challenging part was understanding manufacturing. Expectedly, mass producing products of this complexity and novelty was extraordinarily difficult. Unlike headset manufacturing that could reference on smartphone assembly lines as their hardware composition were very similar, there was no production line reference for us. Nobody even knew what “force feedback gloves” were. Therefore, we had to go even deeper.

The development of our force feedback units

Take our force feedback unit as an example. In the past years we went through many dozens of iterations. The servo motor we started with (the square box on the left) was originally designed for model cars and planes, hence the low space utilization and rather low structural integrity for torque conduction. The unit was very wide, which made it very difficult to put five of them on the back of a hand. We could compromise and move the motor box up to the wrist, but I knew that’s not the way to go. We needed to make the system as compact as possible at all cost. So we decided to design our own servo systems, starting by understanding what the essential components of a servo were and the fabrication process for each part.

The shell of the servo was made of CNC machined aluminum, meaning we could reshape its geometry at our will. By moving the torque output arm in the middle, we managed to make it thinner and more structurally stable at the same time. The gears were made from gear hobbing machines that worked with quite a wide range of materials, indicating the transmission design was tweakable as well. We experimented with different materials to get the best performance-weight ratio out of the gears. By swapping in chip-sets with higher computing power and putting in more sensors we had achieved much more refined motor controls on-board. By pushing ourselves into these details, we started to feel anything is possible. So we took it a few further steps further and completely re-built the force feedback unit. The end-product was elegantly built specifically for the force feedback glove and hence how we made it compact.

This example is merely the tip of the iceberg. Every part of the system has gone through soul-crushing analysis and improvements like this. I personally lived at the factory for eight months to understand every detail of how it could be made possible. We had to constantly balance the engineering needs and suppliers’ offering to make our production process smooth and reliable. After all, what’s the point of developing a technology that can’t be built and shared?

Difference in effort behind a prototype and a final product can be tremendous

For people who are not familiar with manufacturing processes, the differences between a prototype and a final product may seem subtle. In reality,while sharing 90% similar physical appearances, the effort that goes underneath can be hundreds of times different.

Here are some brief steps of hardware making:

ideas > idea validation > working prototype > industrial design > making them work cohesively together > improvements > engineering validation > more improvements > design validation > final production-ready design > pre-production preparation > parts sourcing > vendor communication > parts quality control > assembly procedure design > parts assembly > quality control testing > final product assembly > final quality control testing > final shipping-ready product > packaging > shipping

Inevitably some of the processes can circulate for times beyond one’s imagination due to random problems of all kinds, making it even harder to proceed. For example, during our last batch of the manufacturing cycle, where we thought we already knew every single detail, I was informed by one of our vendors that some small machined parts on our force feedback units were accidentally left unattended in the anodic oxidation pool and dissolved, thus delaying the whole assembly procedure for another month. I laughed so hard and so bitterly when I heard the news.

Some of you would say: why can’t you find more reliable vendors like FoxConn? Good question. Innovation typically means initial smaller shipping quantity, and factories rely on large quantity to profit. This conflict means they would not want to work with small company like ours due to the economical inefficiency. We had to have sales first before we could mass manufacture. Funny, right?

It took us years to get something from a working prototype to something “Shipping ready”. And I really want to emphasize that this is not trivial work. It’s not “Design-ready” or “Manufacturing-ready”. It’s now “Shipping-ready”, meaning we now hold the power to make tens of thousands of this product, if needed.

I sigh every time when I see people getting over-exited when they see a lab prototype that’s barely working and then expect the team to ship in months; Or comparing us with some company that was founded a month ago claiming they built something that worked just like ours. Cute. But comparing prototypes to finished products isn’t fair. People who have experience with any Kickstarter hardware project would know what I am talking about, where promised “delivery in four month” effectively means two years and more, which usually ends up with the disappearance of the team and countless angry backers.

After all the hard work, this is what we have achieved so far:

For the first time in the history of commercial force feedback gloves, we managed to put 5 force feedback units, 11 motion capturing sensors, a rechargeable battery and an entire control system into the form of a glove that weights less than 300 grams, allowing users to use them with both of their hands wirelessly with full dexterity of their hands. Dexmo is made tether-free, light and dexterous enough so the users could ignore its existence in long-time usage, thus the pleasure of users’ immersive experiences won’t be interrupted.

It captures full hand motion of 11 degrees-of-freedom, with a delicate 3 DoF thumb tracking and 2 DoF on each of the rest four fingers, including the splitting and flexing of all fingers. The miniaturized force feedback units can apply up to about 10N of force to the users’ fingertip. Its superior thumb tracking helps with the accurate regeneration of hand models, which contributes greatly to a good force feedback experience. It allows users to feel the size, shape and stiffness of the virtual object. Thus it greatly improves immersion and enables much more intuitive interaction.

We are now capable of mass manufacturing the product by following the DFM (Design for Manufacture) principles and our strict quality control standards. Our SDK had been tested by many early customers and has been improved to a stage that is truly “easy-to-use”. Even people with little background knowledge about VR should be able to use them by following the step by step instructions. Ergonomics is another very important feature we focused on. We developed sets of special fixation mechanisms that allow the wearing of Dexmo to be both easy and hygienic.

With these functionalities, for the first time users can not only see their hands in VR, but also actually feel what they are grasping with unpresented realism. Before force feedback is introduced in VR, the immersion can be easily interrupted: Whenever you try to pick up something and you see your fingers overlapping with the object, you know this is not real; When you have to pose your hand in a certain gesture just to pretend you are holding something, you know it’s not real; No matter how amazing the animation or sound effect is, you just know.

It is definitely not to say our system is perfect and recreates all sensations that a human hand perceives. It does not simulate weight yet. Physics tells us you would need a whole grounded robotic arm to produce that counter force for gravity simulation; It does not simulate temperature yet. All kinds of semiconductors need to be closely packed throughout the system for that; It does not provide refined tactile yet. Other actuation methods need to be further explored…etc.

Interaction modules in our SDK

With all that being said, force feedback is undoubtedly another critical dimension of sensation added to the virtual world. One that has been long craved for by many people, one that pushes the boundary of VR HCI a bit further. Many of our software interactions are developed based on this new technology, such as finger-flicking, pinching, wheel-scrolling, button-pressing, lever-pulling, knob-turning and much more. All created and tested within our SDK, just to make it a bit easier for the developers. When combined with the right graphics and animation, many applications that were otherwise impossible are made possible.

Some of the Dexmo’s field of applications

I get asked by the VCs a lot: Who are your customers? And this really is a very difficult question to answer. Because soon from now, that could be everybody. I always feel that the ultimate minimal requirement of VR is one headset plus a pair of force feedback gloves. Realistically speaking, for now we are working with research institutes, leading industrial specialists and universities, which covers all kind of projects such as: flight simulation, aerospace simulation, astronaut training, laptop assembly line training, safety training, car assembly training, education, medical procedure training, rehabilitation, large space gaming, exhibitions, tele-operation…..etc. So basically everything. Force feedback gloves really add another level of immersion to any existing scenario and makes it better.

To give a few detailed examples:

A client of ours is experimenting with factory working training at their laptop assembly lines. Many production lines suffer from the high dropout rate and worker shortage in China, which means a lot of the skilled works must spend a large amount of the time to teach newbies how to work properly, lowering their output and the overall output of the factory. The first test was made with Oculus. The new workers were asked to pre-assemble computers in VR using Oculus Touch. And while they found it more interesting, the dexterity of finger movements could not be reflected in the training software, making the outcome far less efficient than expected. But when they started to use Dexmo for development, the workers might pick up the training course way faster and more acculturate because it’s more intuitive.

Another good example is flight training. Among our many training customers, flight simulation has been quite popular. They generally need a means for the user to flip switches and push buttons in VR which the motion controllers just can’t do. Leap motion is comparably unstable in such cases. Again, this is made possible with our force feedback technology. Imagine in the future all pilots need to pass a VR flight simulation test instead of reading through manual from paper and guessing for which button to press.

In nuclear power stations, the operators can be pre-trained in VR to face rare emergencies like potential nuclear leakage. They could learn which level to pull, which knob to turn first and be guided through the could-be catastrophe all in a virtual environment; In space programs, instead of building facilities that clones of the space station on the ground for the astronauts to familiarize with the space mission, we could have built it in VR. And they would be able to perform a similar level of tasks within.

Dexmo surely has the greatest potential in gaming and social VR. In RecRoom you can actually grab the flag, toss the basketball, pull the trigger on the crossbow…etc.. Image everything becomes so seamless that you need not to learn anything, or to remember which button does what, or what combo key is for the manual… you can do whatever you do just like in real life. If you want to pick up an apple, go for it; If you want to reload your gun, just insert the magazine and pull the slide; if you want to open a box, turn on a TV, drink a bottle of water…Instructions are unneeded. Everything is intuitive. Dexmo could transform way more immersive experiences than what I just listed.

I image there are many questions that you want to ask as well. I will briefly answer some of the common ones here just to get started.

Does it support Oculus/Vive/PSVR/WMR/Hololens?

Yes. It works with most room-scale VR systems. Dexmo does not yet have a spatial tracking solution for itself yet because we want to keep it open. It technically supports any VR system with 6DoF motion controllers, all it needs is a pair of coordinates, orientation and an initial position offset calibration. Hololens is slightly different because it doesn’t come with its own 6DoF controllers and it is an all-in-one system that doesn’t even have a USB hub, but if we can pass some other tracking data (Say, Optitrack) into the system, it could still work.

How much would it cost?

In short: rather expensive. While I personally want everybody to get hold of them as soon as possible, the current versions are actually targeted for business. Don’t get upset just yet. Hear me out, and I assure you the reasoning will make sense.

What are your plans as a company?

In 2014 we called off our Kickstarter Campaign because we realized Dexmo was not consumer ready. What consumers want are products that are inexpensive, well supported, come with lots of games and work well right out of the box. The functionalities are just one out of the many requirements general consumers want. Price factor aside, we are in short of support. Hardware wise, in order to make it really seamless, we need SDK-level integration from Headset companies like Facebook, Microsoft, Sony and HTC; Software-wise, we would need support from the developers communities and have them build the games first before you want to buy them. Both of them require market proof that force feedback gloves are the right way to go.

And we plan on achieving that by starting to work with business partners. By providing the early adaptors with the most cutting-edge technological advancements, they could start developing compelling VR experiences that benefit and profit their businesses. They are willing to invest in R&D, they could work with the products and provide valuable feedback, and we could build more amazing VR experience together to showcase how capable a good, complete VR system can be.

Eventually, we hope force feedback gloves, along with a headset, can become the default set up of a minimal VR system, and by then it shall be something everybody needs.

When can we get hold of it as general consumers?

In order to keep the company running and keep pushing the boundaries of VR HCI, capital is needed. And a lot of the money we raised went straight to support our R&D. We need to be a profitable company first in order to be able to bring the force feedback glove closer to the general consumers. Selling products that are not yet satisfactory to general consumers, with a price point that can’t cover the R&D cost won’t help us move towards that goal. We hope more people get to know about Dexmo. Share it, talk about it, it helps. When we can ship tens of thousands of Dexmo annually, with the help of the economy of scale and the business proof we lay down, it will not be far from being consumer-ready. That vague timeline being said, we will try as hard we can :)

There is still much more to the product that I want to share. For further questions, you may visit our website’s Q&A section, email us, @us on Twitter, leave a comment below, or visit our Facebook page and Instagram. We will get back to you if we can.






Okay, we are close to the end here. I’d like to thank you all for reading this long article. And please allow me to say that Dexmo marks a critical step towards a truly immersive VR world. It has accomplished something that’s both hard and important. We’re aware that the system is still far from perfect. It is limited by the amount of money we have raised thus far, the timeline for each business experiment to be carried out, the R&D hours to be put in…But we are getting there. We are working hard, we know what we are doing, and it will get even better. That is the message we want to send.



Dexta Robotics

Dexmo — wireless, compact force feedback gloves for realistic touch and precise hand tracking in virtual environment.