Exploring — dart-define in Flutter: Customizing Your App Made Easy

2 min readApr 9, 2024


So, you’re diving into Flutter, right? You must have noticed how important it is to keep things flexible, especially when it comes to different environments like development, testing, and production. That’s where environment variables come in handy, helping us configure the app according to the environment it’s running in. And the good news is, in the world of Flutter, we have a cool way to handle this using --dart-define.

What is — dart-define?

--dart-define is basically a neat trick you can use on the command line to set environment variables while compiling your Flutter app. This is great because it allows you to pass dynamic information to the app at compile time. For example, you can set an environment variable to point to different API URLs based on the environment you're working in.

How to Use?

It’s pretty straightforward! The basic syntax is --dart-define=VARIABLE=VALUE. So, if you want to set multiple variables, just separate them with spaces. Let me show you some practical examples.

Practical Examples

Setting API URLs: Let’s say you want to set your API URL.

flutter run --dart-define=API_URL=https://api.example.com

And in your Flutter code, you can access it like this:

const String apiUrl = String.fromEnvironment('API_URL', defaultValue: 'https://default-api.example.com');

Activating Debug Mode: Sometimes, it’s useful to turn on debug mode.

flutter run --dart-define=DEBUG_MODE=true

And in the code:

const bool debugMode = bool.fromEnvironment('DEBUG_MODE', defaultValue: false);

Setting API Keys: For those secret keys.

flutter build apk --dart-define=API_KEY=YOUR_API_KEY

In the Flutter code:

const String apiKey = String.fromEnvironment('API_KEY');
  1. Customizing Themes: How about adjusting your app’s theme?
flutter run --dart-define=THEME=dark

In the code:

const String theme = String.fromEnvironment('THEME', defaultValue: 'dark');


Using --dart-define in Flutter is a lifesaver for managing environment variables. It makes it easy to customize your app for different environments and scenarios. But remember, these variables are set during compilation, so you can't change them during app execution. Plan carefully how and when to set these variables to ensure your app is flexible and efficient in all situations.




Experienced Dev in Android & iOS | Mobile apps, APIs, DevOps | Tech Lead for scalable architectures | Database wiz & automation enthusiast! 🚀