The Audacity of Heist

Dharma University
10 min readSep 5, 2020


The American Democratic party strategists, the Deep State actors and the Radical Left apparatchiks have fully gamed out the scenarios for hijacking the vaunted, centuries old US democracy and seizing power in the most powerful nation of the world. This is nothing short of an audacious heist playing out right in front of our eyes. The heist is more elaborate and more complex than anything we have ever seen on any movie screen, playing out on the canvas of the nation itself.

In the rest of this article, we will refer to the gang made up of players from the Democratic party, the Deep State and the Radical Left factions as simply the Gang.

The Audacity of Heist — Thoughts On Stealing The American Election
The Audacity of Heist — Thoughts On Stealing The American Election

The Heist

Here is the high-level plot of the Gang’s audacious heist:

  1. Paralyze and weaken the American citizenry with fear and uncertainty using the virus situation and the race riots.
  2. Do everything they can to worsen the virus and race situation hoping it will reflect poorly on President Trump and cause his defeat in the elections.
  3. Appoint a dummy candidate Joe Biden, who can be projected as a moderate to lead the Democratic side in the Presidential election.
  4. Appoint a Manchurian candidate Kamala Harris to be the Democratic Vice Presidential nominee, positioned to take over the reins of power quickly when (not if), Joe Biden becomes indisposed.
  5. Hijack the electoral process so as to increase the probability of a Democratic win through trickery and fraud.
  6. Corrupt the electoral process so that when (not if) the Democrats start losing the elections despite all of the above, the results can be delayed, doubted and disputed indefinitely.

There are two endgames the Gang is targeting:

Endgame they desire: Joe Biden wins the Presidential elections. Within a short period of time, maybe even as early as January, before even swearing into the office, Biden becomes indisposed and Kamala Harris is sworn in as the President. She opens the doors of hell for the forces of the Gang to entirely take over the entire country and turn it into hell on Earth.

Endgame they will settle for: Joe Biden doesn’t win the election, but they will portray Donald Trump’s win as not being clean and true. The next 4 years after the elections will see 100X more drama than the last 4 years, up to and including several states threatening or outright seceding from the Union. In fact, the drama will not last 4 years. The nightmare scenario will play out within a few months until the military forces are deployed to gain control. Such forces will be controlled by the Gang, and regardless of who is ultimately set up as a figurehead, the Gang would have completed the takeover of the country.

The Story So Far…

Steps 1 through 4 of the Heist described above has played out so far, but not cleanly in the Gang’s favor.

The virus situation has been leveraged to the maximum extent possible to make the citizens fearful and confined. Democrat-run states and cities seem to have a worse trend than Republican ones in virus spread and death statistics. It is not by accident. There have been both deliberate mismanagement of the situation as well as exaggeration of the numbers. This is also the reason for the virulent opposition to hydroxychloroquine. That drug has been in use for decades. There are drugs with far worse side effects that are prescribed and consumed without any opposition. Yet, hydroxychloroquine was opposed as if it was poison itself, including threats to revoke the licenses of some doctors who spoke in support of it or prescribed it.

They blame President Trump for all negative effects of the virus, negative effects on the life and health of the people as well as on the national economy. An oft-repeated Democratic talking point in the campaign speeches has been to blame Trump for the 180,000+ virus-related deaths in the US. If the earlier death projections of the same Gang members and their minions are to be believed, the American death count should have been in millions by now. So, which is it? Did President Trump save the lives of millions or cause the death of thousands? You can’t have it both ways!

Similarly, the racial tensions have been orchestrated to cause maximum damage. If the intention was to truly solve any race issues and lead to a harmonious society, the approach and actions would have been different. Every action by the Gang and its affiliates so far has led to the worsening of the situation. In the coming months and years, we will discover that the Gang actually planned and executed the riots in many places with precision. Once again, the trends are clear — the worst of the race riots are happening in states and cities under Democratic control, often decades of Democratic control. The intentions are also equally clear — to blame it all on President Trump. Blaming Trump for the race situation is another oft-repeated Democratic talking point, although he has been in political office for under 4 years, compared to the decades in power by other politicians from the Gang. Yet, in every state and city that requested Trump for help in controlling the riots, peace has been restored literally within hours. So, which is it? Is President Trump responsible for the continuing race riots or is he responsible for restoring peace within hours? It can’t be both.

To the eternal agony of the Gang, President Trump’s handling of the virus situation and the race riots have only increased his popularity. He looks as strong and unflappable as ever. As they say, “True character is revealed under pressure.” Under more intense pressure than any recent US President has faced, Trump has performed like a champ! Any objective evaluation of the facts will prove this. We can’t help those who choose to believe their own version of the “truth over facts”!

Amidst all this, the Gang managed to put its dummy candidate Joe Biden, and its manchurian candidate Kamala Harris, on the Democratic ticket. It only took the questionable dismissals of several candidates who are much better than these two (at least from the point of view of a support base and ability to get things done), and a semi-transparent primary election process, some of whose results are still under doubt, to achieve this feat.

Kamala Harris — An Exercise in Extreme Affirmative Action
Kamala Harris — An Exercise in Extreme Affirmative Action

The selection of the Vice Presidential candidate was an exercise in extreme affirmative action. It was all but openly declared that the primary criteria to pick a VP candidate were gender and race. Kamala Harris checks every negative stereotype of an affirmative action candidate — less qualified than other candidates in the fray, perhaps not qualified at all, baggage of questionable and corrupt past, and still getting the position based solely on identity (race, gender, etc.). In this case, it would actually be less harmful for the nation if her sole claim to the position was based on identity. Unfortunately for us, there is a more important but unmentioned criterion for picking Kamala Harris: the suitability of the candidate to be the willing face and instrument for the Gang’s nefarious machinations in the hijacking of a nation. Based on her past, Kamala Harris fits this bill very well indeed. She will do the bidding of the Gang unscrupulously and ruthlessly.

Kamala Harris — True Presidential Candidate of the Gang
Kamala Harris — True Presidential Candidate of the Gang

Now remember that Kamala Harris is not just supposed to be a Vice Presidential candidate. She is the true Presidential candidate of the Gang, expected to take over the reins within months of a Biden win. They are using affirmative action to foist an undeserving candidate as the President on these United States of America. The heist is nothing if not audacious!

What happens next…

Here’s how the Gang will hijack the election:

  1. Cause ballot papers to not be delivered to all eligible voters in time. Blame the post office.
  2. Cause many filled out ballots to not be delivered to counting centers. Blame the post office.
  3. Not declare count results on time in many places. Blame the manual counting process.
  4. In places where the count is close, question the results in the court and demand recounts. Blame the manual counting process as well as the local counting officials.
  5. In the middle of all this, run a massive media campaign prematurely declaring that Trump is losing big time.
  6. If Trump wins despite all this, which he will, blame it on election fraud. Start more court cases, drag out the entire drama for the next 4 years, up to and including a few states threatening to leave the union.

And oh, magically, most of the above troubles will happen in predominantly Democrat-ruled cities and states. Not that different from the worst of the virus situation and the race riots!

Meanwhile, there are active cases in courts all over the country related to the running of elections. It was quite shocking to learn that there are 228 active “Covid-19 election cases”. What does a “Covid-19 election case” mean? I bet some demand for special voting procedures, specifically universal postal ballots, due to the virus situation. There is another site which tracks all the election-related court cases in the US. As if that is not enough, Joe Biden actually admitted that the Democrats have assembled 600 lawyers to fight election-results cases across the country soon after the elections. A clear admission of an important element of the Heist!

Think about it — the most technologically advanced nation in the world, the nation that was first to put a man on the moon (in 1969!), is unable to come up with a solution to ensure free, fair and accurate elections. The reason is simple: powerful people don’t want to solve the problem. A problem that could probably be solved by a one-day hackathon event across all the tech schools in the country. Even a simple solution like having a 5-day election to enable all the people to vote in person while maintaining safe distance in this virus situation is not being considered. Instead, the Gang and its affiliates are insisting that the only, only, only solution to voting in the virus situation is to do universal postal ballots!

Here’s a random list of mainstream media articles talking about postal ballot woes from a quick Google search:

The election fiascos are very real and very frustrating to read about. Even if you don’t read all of them, please read the last two articles from the list above. The last one especially is yet another admission of another important element of the Heist!

Here’s what the Gang will do after the elections:

Note that, just like in the case of the virus and the race riots, the Gang is not trying to make anything better about the elections. It is actively trying to sabotage the electoral process. By now, the Gang knows that the chances of their chosen candidates winning the US Presidential elections fair and square is nil. They are not even confident that their candidates will win by cheating and fraud. So, the idea is to throw the entire electoral process in doubt and prevent even the declaration of a result.

The Gang will use its power in mainstream media, social media and Big Tech to paint a narrative of Trump losing. In the last election in 2016, they tried that narrative before the elections, got a bloody nose when the results were declared and they are still smarting from it. The best they could do after the 2016 elections is to admit that yes Trump won, but blame Russia for influencing the elections. This time, the idea is to keep the narrative of Trump’s loss up and running before, during and after the elections. Backup that narrative with lawsuits all over the country by the small army of 600 lawyers they have amassed. And no matter what happens, do not concede a victory to Trump. Hillary Clinton clearly revealed this part of the Heist on video!

So, here are the final steps of the Heist:

  1. Not allow a clear and prompt result to be declared.
  2. Drag the results for weeks or months with litigations across the country.
  3. Large scale protests and riots across the country.
  4. Threats or actual acts of secession from the Union by several states.
  5. Deployment of the military largely controlled by Deep State actors to bring order.
  6. Work out some kind of a compromise which involves the appointment of a figurehead President who will not be Donald Trump.
  7. Regardless of which party the figurehead belongs to, the Gang will control the country.

What can the citizens do?

The citizens were largely meek and obedient during the virus situation and during the race riots. They cannot afford to be so during the hijacking of the elections. The first and foremost thing to do is ensure each and every eligible citizen, and ONLY eligible citizens, votes. Unless it is absolutely not possible to do so, go and vote in person. Even if there is some hassle and discomfort, endure it and vote in person. Question everything and question vocally. Do not believe narratives pushed by mainstream media and Big Tech. It is essential that the silent majority morphs into the vocal majority NOW. Silence of the majority is one of the biggest advantages for the Gang. Deny them that advantage.

The American Democracy is a 250-year old institution and one of the greatest human achievements in recent centuries. It is essential for America as a nation and for the entire world that this institution continues to remain in the hands of the people and not stolen by a small Gang running a heist. Do everything you can to prevent that from happening.

