Day 16: Make a Pure Livelihood

Dhun Nurayn El Shabazz
3 min readJun 11, 2017



Indeed the time has come. What time is it? The time a man doesn’t care about how he earns money, what he eats and what he gives out as charity. It’s a hard time we live in; where usury has been mixed with wealth and interest repackaged as gains. Lottery and gambling is knocking everywhere that you even participate unconsciously in the name of competition.

We should always bare in mind that we are what we eat. If we eat clean, we will be clean and if otherwise we remain as such. Remember o brethren! Any part of the flesh which grows from haram earning will be doomed to burn in the fire. If we fear Allah and strive to earn a pure living, Allah will suffice us and bless every effort we put forth.


Abu Hurairah, radiyallahu 'anhu, reported that the Messenger of Allah, Sallallahu ‘Alayhi Wasallam,

said: “Verily Allah the Exalted is pure. He does not accept but that which is

pure. Allah commands the believers with what He commanded the Messengers. Allah the Almighty has said: "
O you Messengers! Eat of the good things and act righteously" [23:51-53].

And Allah the Almighty also

said: "
O you who believe! Eat of the good things that We have provided

you with
" [2:167-172].

Then he (the Prophet) mentioned (the case of) the man who, having

journeyed far, is dishevelled and dusty and who stretches out his hands to

the sky (saying): "O Lord! O Lord!" (while) his food was unlawful, his drink was unlawful, his clothing was unlawful, and he is nourished with

unlawful things, so how can he be answered?”


  • The money that the Muslims earn must be pure and legal.
  • The money with which he buys food must be lawful, coming from lawful sources.
  • The food that is consumed must be lawful (halal) and pure.
  • These must be kept sacrosanct for acceptance of our deeds and supplication to Allah.
  • It is actually Allah’s right to make things lawful and unlawful. Not by our definition and whims.
  • Charity (sadaqah) is only accepted by Allah if it is from a lawful source.


Whatever we eat affects our attitude and behaviour. We need to eat the

right food (at-Tayyib) and in the right manner as prescribed by Islam. By observing these issues, if Allah wills, it will lead us to be better Muslims with purer hearts devoting to Allah. Then everything that we do can be described as ‘at-tayyib’. This condition is attained by those who observe the manners: earning, drinking, eating the ‘tayyib’ and giving charity from the ‘tayyib’. We will then be amongst the ‘tayyibun’, pure and blessed by Allah.

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Dhun Nurayn El Shabazz

I am a Learner, Writer, Teacher. #DeenCentric #Solopreneur #TechEnthusiast. Follow my podcast “Pure Masculinity” on Apple Podcast, YouTube, & Spotify.