Capturing 50 Years of Innovation

Diagram Office
2 min readAug 2, 2017


Innovation Advisors is a branch of RTI International—a global research organization focused on improving the human condition. Innovation Advisors needed a graphic that quickly communicated their prestigious history and services within the innovation and technology industry.

The graphic needed to communicate three things: Innovation Advisors history, services, mission. The original sketch from Innovation Advisors was a conceptual jumble, only making sense to internal team members.

The first step was to remove the confusing acronyms and re-bucket each idea into the new categories. Next, I re-wrote some of the language and proposed headings to organize the ideas.

Here are a few of the initial visual explorations for the graphic.

Below are the three initial options for the graphic:

Option A, on the left, plays on Innovation Advisors long history in working with NASA. The graphic starts with “Our History” in the atmosphere and descends to the earth’s surface showing RTI’s mission of making earth a better place. Option B and C, are carried by three illustrations representing the three main categories. We chose to proceed with option B. Below are further explorations on this direction.

And here’s the final graphic.

Everyone was very pleased with the results considering we started with a jumble of words and acronyms.

See more explainer graphics here.

