Diamond Launch Monthly Report — December 1, 2022, to December 31, 2022.

Jan 20, 2023


Monthly Report of Diamond Launch

Technology Updates

1. Increased the automatic acquisition of Diamond user entrustment contracts

2. Fixed the problem that caused the IDO page to crash

3. Modified to only use global update tracking data

Community Updates

1. Shared information about Diamond Launch through infographic tweets.

2. Released the November 2022 Monthly Report of Diamond Launch.

3. Shared Christmas tweets with Telegram and Twitter communities.

4. Posted CMC update tweet.

🔗Website: https://diamondlaunch.io
🔗Twitter: https://twitter.com/DiamondLaunch
🔗Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/DiamondLaunch/
🔗Discord: https://discord.gg/QDyHggKbRG




Diamond Launch is an IDO protocol designed to provide cryptocurrency projects to user investors, offering token sales for early-stage high-quality projects.