I Tried Bruce Lee’s Daily Routine(And It Changed My Life)

4 min readFeb 21, 2023


Bruce Lee, the legendary martial artist and actor, is widely regarded as one of the most influential and inspirational figures in modern history. Known for his incredible athleticism, unique martial arts style, and unparalleled dedication to self-improvement, Lee’s daily routine was an integral part of his success.


Bruce Lee was a man who believed in starting his day early. He would typically wake up around 6:00 am to 7:00 am, and the first thing he did was perform a series of stretching exercises. Lee was a firm believer in the importance of flexibility and mobility, and he often incorporated these exercises into his martial arts training.

After stretching, Lee would spend some time meditating, focusing his mind and preparing himself for the day ahead. Lee was a devoted student of Taoism, and he often incorporated the philosophy of the Tao into his daily routine.

Lee would then take a cold shower to wake himself up and improve his circulation. He believed that cold water therapy had numerous health benefits, including improved immunity and increased mental clarity.


During the day, Lee would often spend several hours training in martial arts. He was a student of various martial arts disciplines, including Wing Chun, boxing, and fencing, and he would often incorporate elements of each into his training routine.

In addition to martial arts training, Lee was also an avid weightlifter. He believed that building strength and muscle was essential to his overall health and fitness, and he would often lift weights for several hours a day.

Lee was also a firm believer in the importance of a healthy diet. He would typically eat five small meals throughout the day, focusing on high-protein, low-carb foods to fuel his body and maintain his muscle mass.


In the evenings, Lee would spend time with his family, reading, and relaxing. He believed that a healthy work-life balance was essential to his overall well-being, and he would often take time to enjoy the simple pleasures in life.

Before going to bed, Lee would often perform some light stretching exercises and meditation to help him unwind and prepare for a restful night’s sleep. He was a firm believer in the importance of getting enough sleep, and he would typically aim for around 7–8 hours of rest each night.

I gave Bruce Lee’s daily routine a try and here’s what happened.

Bruce Lee is an icon in the world of martial arts and fitness, and his dedication to physical and mental conditioning is legendary. As a fan of Bruce Lee’s work and philosophy, I was intrigued by his daily routine and decided to try it out for myself. I followed his routine for a month and noticed significant improvements in my physical and mental well-being.

Bruce Lee’s daily routine was designed to maximize his physical and mental performance, and it was divided into several parts throughout the day. Here’s a breakdown of his routine and how I implemented it:

Morning: Bruce Lee woke up at 6:00 am every day and started his day with meditation and visualization exercises. He would focus his mind on his goals and visualize himself achieving them.

I followed this part of the routine by waking up at 6:00 am and spending 15 minutes meditating and visualizing my goals. This helped me to start my day with a clear and focused mind, and I felt more energized and motivated.

Afternoon: Bruce Lee would often train in the afternoon, focusing on a combination of weightlifting and martial arts. He would perform a variety of exercises, including squats, deadlifts, and bench presses, to build strength and endurance.

I followed this part of the routine by hitting the gym in the afternoon and doing a combination of weightlifting and martial arts training. I focused on building strength and endurance, just like Bruce Lee, and I found that my body felt stronger and more capable.

Evening: In the evening, Bruce Lee would often perform stretching exercises and work on his flexibility. He would also spend time reading and studying philosophy and other subjects that interested him.

I followed this part of the routine by doing stretching exercises and working on my flexibility in the evening. I also spent time reading and studying topics that interested me, which helped me to feel more intellectually stimulated and fulfilled.

Overall, I found that following Bruce Lee’s daily routine was incredibly beneficial for my physical and mental well-being. By incorporating meditation, visualization, weightlifting, martial arts training, and intellectual pursuits into my daily routine, I felt stronger, more focused, and more motivated. I would highly recommend Bruce Lee’s routine to anyone who wants to improve their physical and mental performance.


Bruce Lee’s daily routine was an integral part of his success as a martial artist and actor. By dedicating himself to a healthy lifestyle, incorporating various forms of training, and prioritizing his mental and physical well-being, Lee was able to achieve a level of success that few people ever attain.

While not everyone can be a martial arts master like Bruce Lee, we can all learn from his dedication and commitment to self-improvement. By taking care of our bodies, minds, and spirits, we can achieve our goals and live a fulfilling life. Whether it’s through meditation, exercise, or healthy eating, we can all find ways to incorporate some of Bruce Lee’s daily routine into our own lives and become the best version of ourselves.

