I Tried Conor McGregor’s Daily Routine (And It Changed My Life)

5 min readFeb 22, 2023


Conor McGregor, the notorious Irish MMA fighter, has become an icon in the world of combat sports. He is known for his explosive power, sharp wit, and confident swagger both inside and outside the octagon. But what about his daily routine? How does he train and prepare himself for the intense physical and mental demands of his profession? Let’s break down Conor McGregor’s daily routine and how it has helped him become one of the most successful fighters in MMA history.


Conor McGregor is a firm believer in starting the day on the right foot. He wakes up at 5:30 am every day, without fail. The first thing he does is make his bed, which he says sets the tone for the rest of his day. Next, he takes a moment to reflect and set his intentions for the day. This could be as simple as visualizing a successful training session or reminding himself of his long-term goals.

Afterwards, McGregor begins his morning workout routine. This usually includes a combination of cardio, strength training, and mobility exercises. He often runs or cycles to get his heart rate up and burn fat. He also incorporates bodyweight exercises like push-ups, pull-ups, and squats, as well as weightlifting exercises like deadlifts and bench presses to build strength and muscle.

Once his workout is finished, McGregor takes time to stretch and cool down. He emphasizes the importance of mobility training to prevent injuries and increase flexibility. Afterward, he takes a cold shower to reduce inflammation and boost his immune system. Finally, he eats a high-protein breakfast, often consisting of eggs, salmon, and avocado, to fuel his body for the rest of the day.


In the afternoon, McGregor focuses on his mental and technical training. He spends a lot of time studying his opponents and visualizing different scenarios that could happen during a fight. He also practices his striking and grappling techniques with his coaches and sparring partners. He puts a lot of emphasis on footwork and angles, which he believes are crucial for any successful fighter.

McGregor also incorporates recovery techniques into his routine. He gets regular massages and physiotherapy to prevent injuries and speed up recovery. He also uses ice baths and saunas to reduce inflammation and improve circulation.


The evening is a time for McGregor to wind down and prepare for the next day. He spends time with his family and friends, often cooking a healthy dinner together. He also likes to watch movies or read books to relax and take his mind off fighting. However, he also continues to study his opponents and look for ways to improve his technique.

Before bed, McGregor takes time to reflect on his day and set his intentions for the next day. He emphasizes the importance of getting a good night’s sleep and prioritizes getting at least 7–8 hours of restful sleep each night.


While not everyone may want to become an MMA fighter like Conor McGregor, there are many lessons that can be learned from his daily routine. The emphasis on starting the day with intention, incorporating both physical and mental training, and prioritizing recovery and rest are all key components of a healthy and successful lifestyle.

Personally, I have implemented some of McGregor’s routines into my own life. I wake up early, make my bed, and start my day with a workout and healthy breakfast. I also take time to stretch and cool down after my workouts and prioritize getting enough restful sleep each night. I have found that these routines have helped me feel more energized and focused throughout the day.

I gave Conor McGregor’s daily routine a try and here’s what happened.

As a fan of Conor McGregor, I was fascinated by his daily routine and decided to implement it into my own life. I was curious to see if it would have a positive impact on my productivity, energy levels, and overall well-being. Here’s how I did it.

Morning Routine: I woke up at 5 am every day, just like Conor does, to give myself enough time for a morning routine before the day starts. I started the day with a glass of lemon water and then had a coffee. Then, I did some stretching and light exercises to get my body moving and ready for the day ahead. I also practiced visualization techniques, just like Conor does, to set my intentions for the day.

Afternoon Routine: In the afternoon, I followed Conor’s lead and did a 60-minute boxing or MMA workout. I also incorporated some strength training exercises and cardio to round out my workout routine. After the workout, I took a cold shower to boost my energy levels and help with muscle recovery.

Evening Routine: In the evening, I focused on recovery and relaxation. I would take some time to meditate and reflect on the day, just like Conor does. I also made sure to get at least 7–8 hours of sleep each night to ensure that my body was well-rested and ready for the next day.

Throughout the day, I followed Conor’s nutrition advice and focused on eating whole foods, including plenty of protein and vegetables. I also made sure to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water.

Overall, implementing Conor McGregor’s daily routine was a challenge, but it had a positive impact on my life. I felt more focused, energized, and productive throughout the day. Additionally, I felt stronger and more capable after incorporating the workout routine into my day. While it was tough to wake up at 5 am every day, the benefits were definitely worth it. I recommend giving it a try if you’re looking to boost your productivity and overall well-being.


Conor McGregor’s daily routine is a testament to the hard work and dedication required to become a successful athlete. By prioritizing both physical and mental training, recovery and rest, and starting the day with intention, McGregor

