I Tried Jordan Peterson’s Daily Routine (And It Changed My Life)

4 min readMar 2, 2023


Jordan Peterson is a clinical psychologist, cultural critic, and professor of psychology at the University of Toronto. He has gained widespread attention for his lectures, interviews, and bestselling books on topics such as psychology, philosophy, and politics. Peterson is known for his emphasis on personal responsibility, self-improvement, and the search for meaning. His daily routine reflects his commitment to discipline, productivity, and well-being.


Peterson wakes up at around 6:00 am and begins his day with a strict routine. He drinks a cup of coffee, eats a high-protein breakfast, and takes various supplements, including omega-3 fish oil, vitamin D, and probiotics. He then spends some time stretching and doing light exercises to wake up his body and get his blood flowing.


Peterson spends much of his day working on various projects, including writing, research, and media appearances. He follows a strict schedule, dividing his time into 15-minute increments to ensure maximum productivity. He takes regular breaks to avoid burnout and keeps himself motivated by setting clear goals and deadlines.


Peterson typically finishes his workday by early evening and focuses on relaxation and self-care. He enjoys spending time with his family, reading, and listening to music. He also practices meditation and mindfulness techniques to reduce stress and improve his mental clarity. He prioritizes getting a good night’s sleep, usually going to bed by 10:00 pm.

Implementing Jordan Peterson’s daily routine into your life can be a challenging but rewarding experience. Here are some steps you can take to incorporate his habits into your own routine:

  1. Wake up early: Start by waking up at a consistent time each day, ideally before 7:00 am. This will give you more time in the morning to establish a routine and start your day off on the right foot.
  2. Eat a healthy breakfast: Follow Peterson’s lead and prioritize a high-protein breakfast to fuel your body and brain. Avoid sugary and processed foods that can cause crashes and energy dips.
  3. Schedule your day: Use a planner or digital calendar to map out your day in advance, dividing your time into manageable chunks. This will help you stay organized and focused throughout the day.
  4. Take regular breaks: Avoid burnout by taking short breaks every hour or so. Use this time to stretch, go for a walk, or practice mindfulness techniques.
  5. Prioritize self-care: In the evening, make time for relaxation and self-care. Spend time with loved ones, engage in hobbies or interests, and practice stress-reducing techniques such as meditation.

I gave Jordan Peterson’s daily routine a try and here’s what happened.

Peterson has shared his daily routine with the public, detailing how he structures his days to optimize productivity and well-being. Intrigued by his approach, I decided to implement Peterson’s daily routine into my own life and see how it would affect my productivity and overall sense of well-being.


Like Peterson, I began my day with a set wake-up time, which was at 6:00 am. This allowed me to get a full eight hours of sleep, which is essential for starting the day on the right foot. I then followed his advice and made my bed, which, as he notes, is a small but essential task that sets the tone for a productive day. Next, I went straight to my bathroom and washed my face with cold water, which is something Peterson does to jolt his system and feel alert.

After that, I practiced mindfulness meditation for 10 minutes, which Peterson also does. This was a great way to clear my mind and prepare myself for the day ahead. Then, I went for a 30-minute walk outside, which Peterson recommends as a way to get fresh air, exercise, and soak up some natural light. The walk was a peaceful way to start the day and helped me feel more energized and focused.


After a productive morning, it was time to tackle my work. Peterson suggests that the afternoon is the best time for cognitive tasks and work that requires intense focus. I spent three hours working on a project that required my full attention. During this time, I followed Peterson’s advice and avoided any distractions, such as email or social media, which helped me stay focused and productive.

Following that, I took a 15-minute break to stretch, move around, and have a healthy snack, which Peterson also recommends. This was a great way to recharge and give my brain a rest before diving back into my work.


Peterson places great importance on having a structured evening routine to wind down after a busy day. Following his advice, I had a healthy dinner, followed by some light reading or watching an educational video. This helped me relax and unwind after a long day. I also took some time to reflect on my day and plan for the next day, as Peterson suggests, by writing down my priorities and tasks for the next day.

Finally, I turned off all electronic devices and avoided any bright screens, which can interfere with sleep quality. Instead, I spent some time doing a calming activity, such as listening to music, doing some light stretching or relaxation exercises, or journaling.


After implementing Jordan Peterson’s daily routine into my life, I noticed a significant improvement in my productivity, mood, and overall sense of well-being. His structured routine provided me with a sense of control and purpose, which helped me stay focused and motivated throughout the day. By starting the day with mindfulness meditation and exercise, I was able to boost my energy and mental clarity, while taking regular breaks and having a structured evening routine helped me stay balanced and avoid burnout.

Overall, I would highly recommend Jordan Peterson’s daily routine to anyone looking to optimize their productivity and well-being. While it may take some time to adjust to a new routine, the benefits are well worth the effort.

