Glass Health’s AI Powered Medical Knowledge Platform

Digger Insights
4 min readOct 10, 2023
Centralized Knowledge Management App to Optimize Medical Practice and Patient Care

It’s irrefutable that maintaining our health is a priority we can’t ever ignore, which automatically makes doctors and medical professionals pertinent in our lives. To keep up with new diseases and complications that occur every day to assist patients, medical professionals continue to obtain new medical knowledge from various sources worldwide.

In our day and age, sources of knowledge are endless. There exist medical journals, reliable articles on the internet, doctors who share their knowledge on Twitter, and so on. Despite the many years of study and collected knowledge, however, medical professionals haven’t been given the most ideal resources to manage and organize that knowledge easily.

Glass Health, a Y Combinator-backed startup founded by Dereck Paul and Graham Ramsey, creates Glass, an AI-powered medical knowledge management platform designed to help clinicians and medical professionals keep their medical knowledge organized and make quick clinical decisions with it.

Photo Courtesy of Glass Health

Storing Medical Patient Information

One of the many things our modern age has brought upon us is digital “notebooks”. With them, individuals are able to manage and filter the knowledge they’ve gained, captured, and saved much faster compared to the traditional method of scouring through piles and piles of highlighted papers with written notes.

We know from perhaps delving into the medical world ourselves or by watching hospital-themed TV shows like Grey’s Anatomy or Scrubs that physicians meet numerous patients every day, so we can imagine the abundance amount of data medical professionals have to maintain. They have to keep medical information and data like patient diagnoses, prescriptions, and medical records, now mostly digitally. This huge need calls for information-recording software in the medical field, and many of them do exist.

None of this software is designed for medical professionals to further study and conduct research outside of direct patient care, though. Platforms like UpToDate or 5-Minute Clinical Consult help physicians access current clinical information with their medical reference databases, but a digital, personal notebook for physicians to save and easily reference from important medical knowledge, useful for both learning and practicing medicine, hasn’t existed… until Glass.

Accessing Organized Clinical Knowledge

Glass acts as a “Notion for doctors” tailored to capture, save, organize, and analyze medical knowledge. There is no doubt that medical professionals have tried to find a way to store and organize these essential medical assets efficiently, with actual Notion, for example, but Glass’ features are specifically catered to properly manage medicine-related knowledge.

The AI-powered platform’s features include a special page filled with templates to store medical knowledge and cases and a Community Library that allows users to view and save pages and papers published by other medical professionals in the Glass Health Community.

Photo Courtesy of Glass Health

These features allow medical professionals to easily find all the knowledge they’ve learned throughout their careers in one spot, removing the hassle of searching through disorganized emails and moving from one resource to another.

Analytical Clinical Decision-Making

Glass is also infused with features that can assist medical professionals in handling patients, as Glass Health hopes to help clinicians provide better patient care through quick and proper decision-making.

Glass can provide snippets of clinical knowledge that medical professionals encounter during patient care and appointments, which users can later organize. The platform also has Glass AI, a feature that can draft clinical assessment plans, giving users evidence-based treatment steps to consider, and differential diagnosis notes, which summarize complex diagnoses for users to investigate and analyze.

Photo Courtesy of Glass Health

The abilities Glass possesses and the features it provides its users come from evidence-based and peer-reviewed clinical guidelines, which were created and maintained by Glass Health’s physician team along with LLMs.

The startup raised its pre-seed funds of $2M from Breyer Capital and Y Combinator and has recently secured $5M from Initialized Capital as part of its seed round, totaling $7M.

The startup aims to develop its platform further, one way by adding a team collaboration feature that allows users to track information about patients in a HIPAA-compliant environment with teams.

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