From a Short Comment on Facebook to a Hustlers Villa in Bali!

Florian Tep
6 min readFeb 14, 2018

“The more you give, the more you receive”
I heard this quote many time but I’ve understood its deep meaning only recently.

My story

I’m Florian, a French e-commerce entrepreneur currently living in Bali, in a wonderful villa where I have the chance to work in the following setup every single day.

This is how I take my breakfast everyday

The reason why I am able to live in this paradisiac environment is the result of applying the famous principle “The more you give, the more you receive”. Let‘s see how everything started!

After months of struggles, I finally managed to make my e-commerce business successful and felt like I wanted to give back to the ecom community that was so helpful when I was struggling.

The e-commerce community is gathered in several Facebook groups where people can share their success, their failure or ask any questions without being judged (at least most of the time).

When I was a newbie, I was posting tons of questions in those groups and there was always someone more experienced than me that would kindly reply in comment.

Now I still post questions from time to time in the groups but I’m mainly trying to help people if I can provide them value. It usually takes less than 30 seconds to reply to a post and a small piece of advice can have a meaningful impact on the person in need of help (I know since it happened to me).

The one post

One day in December, I saw a post from a French guy named Matthieu Petrella in a group. He was asking a question about scaling ads on Facebook and it took me 30s to post the following comment.

If it looks like Chinese to you it’s normal

I didn’t expect anything in return, I just replied to the post as I would to any other posts if I could provide value. I didn’t know this short comment would literally change my life.

The introduction

From there, I and Matthieu started to chat through Messenger. One day, he mentioned one of his friends, Thomas Despin, who was doing big numbers in ecom but stopped because he was fed-up and wanted to do something else.

Thomas is a French entrepreneur currently living in Bali who has one of the most inspiring stories I heard in the e-commerce world. He travelled the world on a bike to meet other entrepreneurs, went from broke and homeless to building a successful 6-figure dropshipping business and he’s currently working on developing do you. his own brand for entrepreneurs.

I was already following Thomas through his articles on Medium before Matthieu talked about him. I found his story very inspiring and really wanted to connect with him so I jumped on the opportunity and asked Matthieu to introduce him to me.

I then started to talk with Thomas and followed more his content, hoping I would have the opportunity to meet him one day.

The Hustlers Villa Project

In January, I met Matthieu in person since we were both living in Paris (the law of attraction!) and he told me about the new project of Thomas: creating a beautiful villa for online entrepreneurs where they could stay from 1 week to 1 month, meet people sharing the same mindset and work in a productive environment. (Later the name Hustlers Villa came up and if you want to join you can apply here).

I LOVED the concept and thought it would be very stimulating for me to work on my business in this environment. I then contacted Thomas who told me that the villa was already full from March to May and the only dates available were in February.

When I saw that picture I immediately fell in love with the villa!

My idea was to come to the villa and stay for a month, see how the life goes in Bali then move to another place around and extend my visa if I liked it.

But I couldn’t leave just like that…

At that time I was working on a project in Paris with LiveMentor, a French company providing online masterclasses in fields such as Digital Marketing, Copywriting, Facebook, Wordpress and organizing conferences for entrepreneurs. They hired me to make a program where I would teach people how to create a successful dropshipping business.

The creation of the program was supposed to last 2 months, from January to March, which meant that I wouldn’t be able to go to Bali before May…

I called Alexandre, the CEO of Livementor and told him about the villa in Bali. He told me to book my ticket to Bali and we would do our best to finish the program before my departure (thanks again dude!).

We were on the 17th of January and the departure was planned on the 7th of February. It was also the first time that I was booking a one way ticket without knowing when I would come back, this feeling of freedom was absolutely priceless!

We hustled pretty hard with Alexandre to finish the program on time, we did things like shooting 12 hours in a row on the weekend from morning to evening and we made it! We finished recording the last video on the 6th of February at 8pm! (my flight was the following morning).


This decision to move to Bali was one of the best I ever made. It happened that we have a lot in common with Thomas and we instantly clicked. The discussions we have on a daily basis are pretty deep and insightful, I feel way more productive in my work, I met amazing new people and I really like the country so far.

I’m pretty amazed by how it all started: a simple comment on Facebook providing value that took me 30 seconds to write, made me connect with a Matthieu that is now a good friend and led me to move to Bali living in a paradisiac villa with like-minded people like Thomas.

I’m replying to similar posts every single day on Facebook, not expecting anything in return and I would never expect that one of these replies would lead me to the life I’m living right now in Bali.

If you need to keep something from that article: keep giving and providing value to people, the universe will give it back to you. I do believe in Karma and I think my story is an illustration.

Seeing Thomas writing on Medium on a daily basis inspired me to start writing et voilà here’s my first article on Medium!


Thank you for reading my story, I really hope you enjoyed it and found some inspiration for yourself. If so, please leave some claps (up to 50 times) and if you have any questions, post them in the comments and I’ll be happy to reply! :)

If you would like to follow my journey you can follow me on Medium and find me on Facebook and Instagram.



Florian Tep

Entrepreneur || Digital Marketer || Dance Instructor || Currently in Bali || “Go with the Flo”