90-day hypnosis weight loss challenge review 2022

Digital SuniL
5 min readApr 24, 2022


Introducing you the 90-Day Weight Loss Challenge

Losing weight has always been a challenge for most people, especially those who find it challenging to develop a good exercise routine or create a good diet plan. Most people struggle with restrictive diets, and many are not able to get enough exercise to make up the difference in their weight. In an effort to lose excess body fat, many people resort to extreme measures such as surgery or taking pills with dangerous side effects.

What if there was some other way? A Way to Lose Weight Without Crash Diets or Dangerous Pills? Without killing yourself at the gym, only to realize you haven’t lost a pound? This review looks at a new method that’s guaranteed to help you lose weight and change bad habits in 12 weeks.

The 90-Day Weight Loss Challenge is a weight loss program published by Grace Smith, the developer of the program, designed to guide you through the weight loss process with the 90 Day Challenge by following 12 steps outlined in a digital ebook. has been done. This guide is designed to enable you to reprogram your subconscious mind, elevate your limiting beliefs, and see results in improved emotional states of your body, mind and body. You will get the confidence and certainty to lose weight effectively.

The 12-Week Hypnosis Weight Loss Program is arranged to allow you to engage your most powerful tool in the subconscious mind, the weight loss journey through the principle of hypnosis. In addition, this program will enable you to experience and share the weight loss process with other participants which will help you maintain discipline and motivate you not to give up.

What is hypnosis
Hypnosis is a natural, familiar state, similar to meditation, that puts you in a relaxed state where you can work on the goals that are most important to you. We enter this state when we engage in creative activities that require our focus. Hypnosis increases awareness of the unconscious mind, an increased sense of suggestion, and deep relaxation to reach the subconscious mind without resistance. This process allows brain wave changes to promote wellness and recovery.

Why “Fad” Dieting Never Works
The developers of this program offer a better alternative to weight loss foods because dieting doesn’t solve the core problems preventing you from losing weight. Dieting only changes what you eat, not the how, why, your habits, and not your subconscious beliefs. Dieting doesn’t address the deep-rooted habits and beliefs around food that prevent you from changing your behavior; That’s why you never lose weight.

how to use this program
Grace Smith and a group of certified hypnotherapists have developed a straightforward program in which users can engage their mind and their subconscious to tolerate the weight loss process. The program is divided into 12 sections which is one section per week i.e. 12 weeks i.e. 90 days weight loss challenge program

12 section is something like this

Week 1: Building Blocks for Weight Loss
This week, you’ll find out how to chew and properly hydrate the foods you eat. Explore the foundations of weight loss and set the initial steps to reprogram your mind to eat less without feeling deprived.

Week 2: Restrictive Beliefs
This week, you’ll explore restrictive or limiting beliefs to discover the hidden and subtle nature of subconscious thoughts, including emotional eating, negative self-talk, carb addiction, and sabotage from “friends” or family.

Week 3: What’s Right for You?
It’s all about learning whether or not to eat what’s right for you, also known as instinctive eating. You’ll educate yourself about intuitive eating, especially when you’re preparing or buying your own meals.

Week 4: Do you want to exercise?
It’s all about craving exercise. You’ll discover the activities that your body enjoys the most and then train your subconscious mind to do the same every day, making it a healthy habit.

Week 5: Most Common Roadblocks
Emotional eating traps you in reaching for food when you are emotional. In this module, you will train yourself to notice your emotional state before you start eating when you feel emotional.

Week 6: Boredom
Eating when bored is a common problem the program will cover. This week, you’ll learn to change old “bored eating” habits that cause you to eat when you’re bored.

Week 7: Good job, here’s a cookie — or not!
Rewarding yourself with sugar puts your mind and body at risk — this week, you’ll learn how to replace food rewards with other “feel good” treats.

Week 8: Triggers
This week will help you address the people, places, and other triggers that make your subconscious feel like it needs to eat.

Week 9: A Universal Law
Call it existence — this week, you will tackle the Law of Attraction and how this law can work for you — leading you towards effective weight loss in a deep, authentic way.

Week 10: Can I Stay Hide?
This week, the developer of this program allows you to work on dealing with the extra attention you may receive after significant weight loss. Unfortunately, many overweight women have a history of sexual abuse, which can subconsciously lead to weight gain. For lasting weight loss, you have to deal with the fear of attracting attention.

Week 11: Self-Sabotage
Once you achieve results, you may engage in self-sabotaging thoughts that try to lead you back to old patterns. This week will teach you how to avoid these negative thoughts.

Week 12: Love Yourself Forever
Once you achieve the desired results, you will learn how to love yourself in your new body this week over the long term.

final review

For anyone looking to lose weight and love themselves, a 90-day weight loss challenge can provide an excellent solution. Backed by clinical science and positive customer reviews, this program is recommended for anyone looking to embark on a weight loss journey without a restrictive eating plan. This product has a 120-day money-back guarantee.

Click here to more information official website

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