Demo Testing of the DigixDAO Governance Platform — V 0.1

Digix Writer
4 min readJan 8, 2019


Demo link :


This is a basic guide to interacting with the DigixDAO platform that we have deployed onto Kovan.

Please note that this is a very rudimentary version of the platform. The objective of this demo platform is to demonstrate our vision of the UI (All codes are frozen as per the chain security audit) and to collect feedback as we work towards full interaction and deployment on the Mainnet. Most importantly, we want to show everyone that Digix’s vision of a decentralized governance platform on Ethereum is very real, and will come into reality in 2019.

Please visit us in our discord channel to get some Kovan DGDs and Ethers to begin.

*This set of instructions are only for those who already have advanced knowledge on Ethereum. For new blockchain users, please bear with us until our live deployment to have the full guidelines on how to access the platform. Do expect bugs and quirkiness in the interaction.



What can you do on the V0.1 Demo?

  • Create Draft Project, and Finalize project for voting as a Participant
  • Comment on projects as a Participant

What is required to be a Participant?

Step 1: How to create a Project on DigixDAO Platform as a DigixDAO Participant

First steps

  • Create a fresh kovan ethereum json wallet on . Do not use a hardware wallet for the demo.
  • Paste your Kovan Address in our discord channel created for testing so that we can whitelist this address for proposal creation.
  • One of Digix’s community managers, Souleye, will provide you with Kovan Eth and Kovan DGDs to the address you have shared with us

Once this is done, please upload your Kovan Ethereum wallet you have provided to us for user testing.

After signing the transaction message to prove that you own the wallet, you are required to Lock (stake) your KDGDs (minimally 1 KDGD) to be able to access the platform.

Once that is done, you can click on +create proposal (highlighted) to begin

Fill in the details of your project, and once completed, click submit at the end of it.

**Only submit request for <20 KETH in total (reward and milestone) or the project will fail to submit**

As this interaction is on the blockchain, please give it sometime (< 1min) for the window to pop up to confirm the proposal on the blockchain. Please ensure that your browser has ad / pop up blocking set to off.

Sign the transaction.

Your proposal status would appear under Transaction History

Your proposal will then turn up on the All/ Ideas tab.

The proposal will now await a Moderator to endorse before it is allowed to move into the public voting phase.

In the interim, you can argue your case and gather feedback in the comments section for your proposal.

One of our community managers, Souleye, acting as the only moderator in this demo, will endorse your proposal (if he finds it acceptable — cat pictures are allowed). Once endorsed by him, you will have the ability to bring the project to the next round of public voting by clicking on the Finalize project tab as the project creator.

This is all for now, thank you for being part of the project!

We always appreciate feedback from the community on any angles, so do drop us a note or join our channels below:

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Digix Writer

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