Digix Dev Update — 17 Oct 2017: Indonesia Push, Web Designer, Axinan Meetup, Tech Progress Report

Digix Writer
3 min readOct 17, 2017


Building Indonesian Presence

Indonesia looks to be a ripe market for digital gold even though the spread of blockchain technology is still at its nascent stage.

A digital gold solution is ideal in Indonesia, because:

1. The monthly wages of a large population of workers may not allow them to qualify for retail bank accounts

2. even if they do, does not make sense to save what they have in their bank accounts when they require quick access to the monies for daily living.

3. Threat of currency devaluation which occurred in the 90s.

4. Payroll disbursement for corporations to employees without bank accounts and being located away from the cities

Hence, what DGX can provide is a stable store of value in gold tokens that can eventually allow them to spend and exchange for fiat as and when needed, via mobile phone devices.

With such a vision in place, we are already exploring ways to introduce DGX into Indonesia, and we decided to do so from the ground up via first building a community like we did in Singapore. Hence, we are proud to announce that we have kickstarted the sponsorship of the very first Ethereum meetup in Indonesia to provide basic education of blockchain technology to further expose its relevant use cases, such as asset tokenization.

We did the same in Singapore just 1.5 years ago, attracting only a handful of people to our meetups before growing to be the largest Ethereum meetup group in South East Asia. Currently, we have 3500+ active members in the group and a consistent schedule of meetups with healthy participation, many of which have been oversubscribed.

Sign up now at : https://www.meetup.com/Ethereum-Indonesia/

Meetup Organized this week:

Axinan: Democratized Digital Insurance

Axinan (www.axinan.org) is developing an Open Insurance Platform built on top of blockchain and smart contracts where transactions are kept immutable and transparent. Moreover, each claim will be paid out automatically by the smart contract’s design.

This platform aims to democratize insurance and significantly lower the barrier of entry at every layer of insurance ecosystem. Everyone can participate in designing, publishing, distribution, and investing of insurance products.

For more information on the event: https://www.meetup.com/Ethereum-Singapore/events/243909103/

New Hires at Digix:

  • Incoming web designer nominated and will be announced during next week’s dev update.

Tech Roadmap Update — What changed from last week?:

  • PoA Interactive moved from 30% to 50%
  • Asset Explorer UI moved from Blocked to In Progress
  • Product Catalog Needs testing to Completed
  • Digix Directory UI moved from incomplete to Completed

Roadmap found on our website will be updated within 24 hours of this post.



Digix Writer

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