Digix Dev Update — 17th July 2018: Kryptono.Exchange, Swipecrypto Partnership, Quarterly Audit done

Digix Writer
3 min readJul 17, 2018


The new Digix Mailing List

We have rolled out our updated newsletter subscription service that delivers Digix updates straight to your inboxes. Those who are on the list would have received 2 mailers from us in the past 2 weeks. From here on, we will be doing monthly roundups of developments in these newsletters.

Do subscribe to our mailing list to be regularly updated on our partnerships, developments as well as exciting DGX promotions and other product offerings in the weeks to come! Head to our website https://digix.global/ to subscribe.

If you have any feedback on the type of news you would like to receive, the frequency of the newsletters, please feel free to drop us a note on any of our channels or email us here.

Kryptono Exchange

The DGX competition on our first centralised exchange listing at Kryptono (https://kryptono.exchange/) was kickstarted on 16th July 2018. Users of Kryptono stand to win physical gold bars and DGX tokens simply by being the top DGX holder for the next 4 weeks! Details can be found here.


SwipeCrypto Partnership

We announced yesterday a partnership with SwipeCrypto (www.swipecrypto.com/‎). SwipeCrypto is a mobile engagement platform for data monetisation that aims for fair data monetisation and app engagement improvement for users .

They will be utilizing DGX as a hedging solution. More details can be found in this announcement.

Second gold bar redemption successful

A fellow Singapore blockchain colleague has successfully redeemed a physical 100g gold bar through the recast of DGX tokens.

This serves as a timely proof of concept for Digix’s proof of provenance (PoP) protocol as we have also just completed our first quarterly audit of our gold bar holdings.

First Quarterly Audit of DGX was completed on 5 July 2018

Our first quarterly audit was done. 100% of the gold bullion held in storage were fully accounted for. More details can be found in our update last week on the Independent Audit.

Community Updates

Ethereum Singapore Meetup

It has been a busy and exciting month for the ES Meetup community with Bluzelle, Consensys projects — Token Foundry and Kaleido, and Medilot making their rounds in the last couple of weeks.

Korea Blockchain Week and Nifty

Digix’s COO, Shaun Djie, is in Korea for the blockchain week where he will be introducing the Digix brand to the wider Asian community.

Shaun will also be a speaker at the Nifty.gg event which is happening in Hong Kong from July 24 to 26 July. Nifty.gg is the world’s first Hackathon and Conference dedicated to non-fungible tokens and the ERC-721 standard.

Check out the details here! https://www.meetup.com/Ethereum-Singapore/discussions/5964805699796992/

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We always appreciate feedback from the community on any angles, so do drop us a note or join our channels below:



Digix Writer

We have moved to our publication account, please follow our updates here: https://medium.com/digix