What we have done this week (16–22 of October)

2 min readOct 22, 2017


1. We negotiated with the manufacturers of cosmetics, cigarettes and autochemistry about the implementation of Digmus counterfeit protection in test mode. We are looking for a manufacturer to create MVP (minimum viable product) for. With more concrete practical constraints and timely feedback further development would be more successful. Our meetings will continue next week.

2. Started creating a separate informational web page for manufacturers. Manufacturers are less interested in the blockchain, tokens, and investing. Rather, they want to know whether the technology would work without Internet connection, how manufacturer would be notified about fake goods detected, what levels of counterfeit protection we offer and what’s the difference between them.

3. We held a number of meetings and phone calls with actual and potential investors.

4. We met with representatives of NXP, received their permission to use their logo on the our website as a partnership symbol. We will soon receive another batch of their NFC chips in various form factors to test.

5. Our tech guys continue to work on a Digmus mobile app. They added a geolocation check. We need to compare supposed sale location, provided by the manufacturer, with actual location where the authenticity check happened to distinguish fake goods. We also tested the integrity of the authentication scheme for Digmus NFС labels by our Android app in the offline mode. So, you can scan our chip by our app and be reasonably sure the chip is genuine even if you get stuck in a zero-connectivity warehouse basement. To retrieve the remaining information about the product you should get online.

