2018: My Athletic Year in Review

Dimitri Vandormael
5 min readNov 24, 2018


2018 was a great year from an athletic perspective. I obtained a level of fitness I never experienced before and completed 2 major milestones: a marathon and a half Ironman. Time for a recap.

The year started off preparing for the Antwerp Marathon. It would be my first ever attempt at the iconic distance. I had a flawless preparation: I completed my training schedules without too much trouble and stayed injury-free during the entire build-up. It was a great objective for the cold winter months and I thoroughly enjoyed the preparation. The race itself went exactly as planned: I followed the 6:00/km pacer until km 35 and then accelerated, to finish in a time of 4:12:03. In hindsight, I believe the strategy was a little bit too cautious as I still had plenty in the tank at the finish. However, it was a very hot day and the primary goal was to complete the run and have a good feeling about it afterwards. That is exactly how it turned out to be. The first big mission of the season was accomplished, to my deep satisfaction.

Early in May, I decided to go for a very audacious plan: to participate in the Ironman 70.3 in Lanzarote, a half distance triathlon consisting of 1,9 kilometers of swimming, a 90 kilometer bike ride and a 21,1 kilometer run. All of this on one of the thoughest courses in the Ironman circuit. In previous years, I had already completed a couple of Olympic distance triathlons (divide the above numbers by 2), but this would be something else. With 5 months of training ahead of me, my coach Jens and I decided to go all in and prepare as good as possible for this event.

The next few months, through hard work, I steadily improved my fitness level and lost quite some weight as well. I completed 4 preparation races: sprint distance triathlons in Kanne and Eupen, plus 2 Olympic distance triathlons, in Viersel and Ieper.

It all led up to the big day: on October 6th, I crossed the finish line in Lanzarote, an epic culmination of a brilliant season. You can read the full blown report of my experience here.

Completing your goals gives you a sensational feeling. When you see the finish line ahead of you and realize you are going to do something you never did before, it is very hard not to be struck by a wave of emotions. You think about all the hours of training, the sacrifices, the stress, … and elation just hits you in an instant. However, by now I also know that this incredible high will not last for a very long time. Sure, you are very happy for a couple of days. But it will always fade, even more so when the mind starts craving for the next challenge. Believe me, it always does, very quickly.

An important lesson I have learned the past year, is to not focus too much on the ultimate outcome. Instead, I have come to love the process. Every training, every meal, every small conversation with my coach… are all pieces of the bigger puzzle. As much as I strive for the magic picture taken at the finish line, I cannot imagine a life without the process of training and working towards a certain goal. I have come to embrace the struggle. There will inevitably be hard days when you’re just not just feeling it or you’re simply tired. This is perfectly fine. Accept it, take the right decisions, commit to them and move on. There will always be another day. On the flip side, I also learned to intensely savor those special training sessions where you feel you’re just unstoppable. Or to thoroughly enjoy a resting day. Triathlon is as much of a mental sport as it is a physical one. This new mindset has made me a calmer and better athlete. And ultimately, I believe, a better person.

Triathlon is a rather lonely sport. It is an individual challenge and a lot of training hours are completed on your own. Nevertheless, I could not have achieved all the above without the support of some incredible people that surround me and support me. Unconditionally. I would like to thank them.

First and foremost, there is my family.

Mom, dad, sis, Wouter, Katleen. You were always there to support me. During the rough running trainings in winter. So many evenings in the pool. Every single race. You have made everything so much easier, not just on race day. Thanks for putting up with me when I was a nag. Thanks for enduring my relentless enthousiasm during the highs. Thanks for being there, period.

A word of thanks to my team mates at 3Squad Sint-Truiden. Your achievements inspired me. Thanks for motivating me during our Friday evening team swimming sessions.

Many thanks to my nutrition sponsor Hiddit Nutrition. Fueling and recovery is critical for any triathlete. Your products are simply amazing and I am grateful for all the support.

A big and final word of thanks goes out to my coach Jens Roegiers. We achieved it all mate! Thanks for your guidance, advice and for answering the endless stream of questions I fired at you. You made me a better athlete. I am proud and humbled our relationship has transcended from coach/athlete to a great friendship.

2019 season will be an epic one. Cannot wait to write about it…



