MAPS.ME Users Make Over a Million Contributions to OpenStreetMap

Dimitry O. Photo
2 min readFeb 20, 2017


During the nine months since the moment the MAPS.ME built-in editor was introduced, users have made over a million edits to OpenStreetMap. On average, MAPS.ME users from all over the globe make about 3,500 contributions a day.

MAPS.ME is based on OpenStreetMap (OSM), a crowd-sourcing map developed by its own community — just like Wikipedia. The built-in OpenStreetMap editor was added to MAPS.ME app last April. The number of OSM editors and their activity surged thanks to this update, and the overall accuracy and relevance of maps has improved as a result. Today the number of editors in MAPS.ME exceeds 117,000, making MAPS.ME the №1 mobile editor of OpenStreetMap in the world.

MAPS.ME users most frequently added residential buildings, restaurants, stations, grocery stores and cafes to OpenStreetMap. Over 595,000 new objects were mapped, information on some 360,000 objects edited, and approximately 145,000 notes for 231 countries of the world added in the nine month period. The owners of Android devices edit maps slightly more actively than iPhone and iPad users: 58% vs. 42%.

Russia is the leading country in terms of the number of editors, followed by Ukraine, Germany, the Republic of Belarus and the Phlippines. The top five countries by number of contributions per user is as follows: Belarus, Russia, Germany, Ukraine and the Philippines.

