Typical ICQ Call: Video Overtakes Audio

Dimitry O. Photo
2 min readFeb 17, 2017


Most ICQ users in USA prefer video calls: according to data from January 2017, 67,5% of callers use video calls to stay in touch with friends and relatives. Almost 62% of all ICQ calls made in USA are made over Wi-Fi.

The average time spent by ICQ users in USA on an audio or video call is 9 minutes 8 seconds. The average audio call is still longer, but the total time of video calls is larger.

Compare the following: Brazilian users spend less time on audio calls, and their average audio call lasts for only 7 minutes 11 seconds. People in this country are also apparently very fond of face-to-face communications, as audio calls account for only one fifth of all calls.

The Italians on average spend about 10 minutes on a call, and 59% of callers use video calls.

The Moroccans are big into communication as well, spending an average of almost 12 minutes on their calls. They tend to favor audio calls more, which account for 45% of all calls made.

The Germans on average spend about 15 and a half minutes on a call, and their preferences are similar to those of the Italians, where 6 out of 10 users prefer video chats.

iPhone and iPad owners in all of these countries turned out to be more talkative than Android users, as their calls last longer. On the other hand, Android users are more likely to make video calls.

The new versions of ICQ for Android, iOS, Mac and Windows offer end-to-end encryption for all calls by default. Open ZRTP-based encryption provides the highest level of data protection and a secure key exchange.

