Martin Shkreli is selling his rare Wu-Tang album “Once Upon a Time in Shaolin”

Michael Tudda
5 min readSep 7, 2017

So the notorious rare disease medicine creator and big pharma investor is selling the one-of-a-kind Wu-Tang album (again). This time, he’s made the listing on eBay which is currently bidding at a whopping $1,000,100.00.

Mr. Shkreli is well known for his brash comments and utilitarian ideology on the big pharma market. He’s also one of the most misunderstood people of 2017. Whatever your feelings are about him, what really matters is how and when we are going to be hearing these rare Wu-Tang tracks. My guess is probably not any time soon, possibly never.

In the meantime, check out some of these comments from the Q & A section on the Wu-Tang album eBay listing. They are honestly %$&#ing hilarious:

Q: Please donate the entire amount to charity. It’s not too late to turn your life around. You don’t need the money.

A: turn my life around from what exactly?

Q: If Wu Tang is for the Children. What are you for?

A: i am also for the children.

Q: What were the terms of the sale from Wu Tang to you? Can they never release the album? Could I throw a massive concert at Madison square garden selling tickets for $10,000 a piece to watch me sitting on stage in a lazy boy while the cd plays?

A: i believe you could do hypothetically do this. not going to comment on your business model.

Q: If you’re so angry at Wu-Tang why not release it for free and show them the music means nothing to you even though you paid 2 million for it?

A: i can flip 2m to 200m like lil pump so no thanks

Q: Maybe this album should just disappear?

A: nah

Q: Does Cash Rule Everything Around You?

A: most things

Q: can i have one thousand dollars

A: what do i get?

Q: how r u doin can i add u on steam

A: i’m fine and no.

Q: Can I doodle a little happy face on the cover and insist it’s a meaningful change so I can then flip it on ebay for 56 times what it originally cost me? Or is only acceptable to do that for things people need to survive?

A: i think you’re confused about the value of medicines for rare diseases. my guess is you know nothing about this topic and therefore should keep your thoughts and opinions to yourself.

Q: If I purchase this album, how will I know for certain that you don’t have a vagina?

A: those are two separate and distinct questions

Q: Hello. I’m interested in the stuffed animal (sheep?) in the background of your photo. Will you be posting that item for sale soon? Thank you.

A: ill throw it in if you win

Q: Hope you get what you paid or more.screw the haters. Love your attitude man.stay mentally strong.

A: thanks dog

Q: You truly don’t deserve 1 cent for this item. You have taken enough money from to many people already. I truly don’t know how you sleep at night.

A: word? what do YOU do for a living?

Q: Would this album be appropriate to play while you were entertaining someone who ordered pineapple on their pizza? Or would it be better suited to save for company who didn’t indulge in such blasphemy?

A: for crazy paper i will not discriminate on pizza eating habits

Q: So what are you up to these days? Any good stock tips? Are you involved in AI? What about bit coins? How many bit coins would you want for this CD? How about a trade for an old stratocaster….or a 12 year old rescue dog? Wassup dawg! Thanks, OMO.

A: no no no and no. what color dog

Q: Hello I am not monetarily wealthy by any means. But what I am is hip hop. My life,my struggle and recovery from heroin addiction at age 17.I am willing to give my life savings for this album and if need be we can go thru my financials to see I’m 💯 about my situation. I have $800 and would be eternally grateful if this would work for you.I look to make no money or fame just the enjoyment as an avid WU TANG CLAN fan.

A: you need a dose of methadone and a double dose of reality. scram!

Q: Are you selling this to help pay for your legal fees when you go to prison?

A: no, my legal fees are largely indemnified by insurance and other policies. legal fees are mostly incurred prior to imprisonment. finally you have wrongfully assumed that imprisonment is a certainty.

Q: How can we trust you to abide by your promise to destroy your copies of the album upon purchase when you never released them to the public after Trump’s political victory as you previously swore to do?

A: this would be an executed legal agreement, and not say, a troll

Q: “An item that looks as if it was just taken out of shrink wrap.” Didn’t you use the CD as a coaster?

A: no that was a metaphor

Q: Please don’t smash it. Way too many hungry people in the US. Thank You Very Respectfully Gregg Blevins US Navy

A: i’m not sure what that has to do with the hungry.

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