Paul Dirac Genesis DeFi NFT Collection: Get Early Access and Become Dirac Finance OG

Dirac Finance
4 min readJan 29, 2024
Paul Dirac Genesis DeFi NFT Collection

First things First: What is Dirac Finance?

Dirac Finance is an institutional-grade decentralized Options Vault (DOV) that solves the current problems of DOVs by adapting Structured Products sophisticated yield-generating strategies to DeFi. Dirac Finance is the first dApp to introduce risk mitigation algorithms that enable investors and LPs (Liquidity Providers) to earn organic, safe, and sustainable yield in all market conditions.

The name of the project is inspired by Paul Dirac. We share his values.

What Yield?

Backtests of the first strategy to be deployed on mainnet, called CRLI (Crypto-Linked Investments) yields a 56% APY on a 3.5 years period. The maximum drawdown is around 40%, during the crypto crash of May 2021.


First deployment will be done this week on Polygon zkEVM.


  • Dirac Finance has been one of the first DeFi Protocols to receive a grant from Polygon zkEVM and secured a co-marketing agreement
  • And also, to receive a grant from SKALE, secured a co-marketing agreement and zero gas fees for its users
  • After two 2 stages of private beta testing on the Polygon zkEVM and SKALE with over 500 participants, Dirac Finance successfully completed first audits by Solidproof
  • Dirac Finance is one of the first DeFi protocols to use Chainlink’s CCIP to sent liquidity between 2 incompatible chains

Paul Dirac Genesis NFTs:

Paul Dirac Genesis DeFi NFT Collection is a series of unique digital assets designed to identify the first users of Dirac Finance Vaults and attract initial TVL (Total Value Locked) to the protocol. The collection comprises three distinct types of NFTs — Protons, Electrons, and Positrons.

All NFTs Provide:

  • Exclusive airdrop
  • An early access to Dirac Finance first strategy vault

Beside this, each category offers unique benefits and privileges:


Proton, Paul Dirac Genesis DeFi NFT Collection
  • Symbolizing stability and energy, Protons are priced at $100, offer you equivalent value in $DIRAC tokens,
  • 5% discount on $DIRAC private sale,
  • Boost your rewards from 85% to 90%.


Electron, Paul Dirac Genesis DeFi NFT Collection
  • Reflecting dynamism and change, Electrons are valued at $200, with corresponding $DIRAC tokens,
  • 10% discount on $DIRAC private sale,
  • Boost your rewards from 85% to 95%.


Positron, Paul Dirac Genesis DeFi NFT Collection
  • Representing transformation and innovation, Positrons are the premium tier, priced at $400 and it comes with corresponding $DIRAC tokens,
  • 15% discount on $DIRAC private sale,
  • Boost your rewards from 85% to 100%.


Paul Dirac Genesis DeFi NFT Collection is more than a set of collectibles. It’s a strategic initiative to bring initial Total Value Locked (TVL) in Dirac Finance’s vaults.

20% of the NFT sale will be provided into Dirac Finance Vaults.

The Yield generated by this initial TVL will be spread among all NFTs prorata amount of NFTs they have minted.

How and Where to Mint Paul Dirac Genesis DeFi NFTs?

Securing Your Spot

Hurry over to and secure your spot. Don’t forget to join the vibrant Dirac Finance community on Discord for the latest updates and discussions.

Limited Edition: Act Fast!

Remember, the collection is exclusive, with only 350 NFTs available on Polygon zkEVM. Speed is of the essence, not just because of the limited number but also due to the special time-bound discounts we’ve lined up for our community.

Stages of Sale: Your Path to Exclusive Benefits

Presale Stage (January 29 — February 9, 2024):

  • Protons: 40% Discount
  • Electrons: 50% Discount
  • Positrons: 60% Discount

This is your golden chance to be among the pioneers in experiencing Dirac Finance’s innovative strategies at an exclusive rate.

Early Public Sale Stage (February 9 — February 14, 2024):

  • A uniform 20% Discount across all NFT types
  • This stage offers a unique opportunity to join a select group of early adopters, actively shaping the future of DeFi.

Late Public Sale Stage (February 14— February 29, 2024):

  • Full Price, Full Potential
  • Even after the early bird phase, you can still join this revolutionary movement and contribute to driving innovation in DeFi.

Become an OG of Dirac Finance!

Important notice:

18 NFTs have been minted by Dirac Finance Guardians and team members (with token allocations less than 0.5) — in order to test the protocol on mainnet after first deployment — with a special discount: 80% for Positrons, 70% for Electrons and 60% for Protons.

To become a Guardian, check the conditions here: Dirac Finance Guardian Program. If interested, please reach out to us on Discord.

