Meet the Team — Janey Kennedy

Dirt School
4 min readJan 30, 2019


We’ve had a few changes to our team over the last six months, so we asked all our coaches a few questions so you can find out a bit more about them. This week it’s Janey’s turn:

What do you do for Dirt School?

I’m a full time member of the team — my time is mainly split between coaching, accounts and marketing, so I’m currently answering my own questions! I also look after our Kids Academy and have recently developed our first Women’s Courses which I’ll start running in the spring.

Tell us a bit about your background:

I grew up in the middle east where there wasn’t much in the way of mountain biking, so climbing was my sport as a child. I started at the age of seven and that was my main focus for the next 12 years — I trained four to five times a week and did a bit of competing, later spending a lot of time climbing outdoors and exploring in the mountains. A rainy summer led to me finding something else to do when I couldn’t climb, and that turned out to be bikes, which soon took over.

I went to uni and studied Maths and spent the summers getting outdoor qualifications as I never really wanted to work in an office full-time. After graduating, I worked as a mountain leader and mountain bike guide, amongst other things before I began coaching for Dirt School.

Summit of Creag an Dubh Loch, Cairngorms

What do you like about coaching?

Seeing people improve and boosting their confidence by giving them more control on the bike. It’s really rewarding. I also like being outside and meeting groups of like minded people — it’s a great way to spend your working day, particularly when the weather’s nice!

What do you do with your free time?

Ha, I ride bikes! I’m not the type of person that spends much time sitting still, so most of my free time involves exercising until I’m so tired that I can’t anymore! I love doing big days on the mountain bike with a group of friends, putting the miles in on the road bike and even doing intervals on the turbo. I also love climbing and spending time in the mountains with my other half, Neil. Climbing takes you to so many amazing places, you can’t really beat being high up on the crag on a bluebird day with no one else around.

I also have an 11 year old west highland terrier, so spend a fair bit of time walking around the woods at a very slow pace while she sniffs every inch of the ground.

What kind of riding do you like? Any particular trails to mention?

I love technical enduro trails, and I would say that’s where my strengths lie too. Awkward, slower speed rooty madness is my comfort zone. The riding on my doorstep in the Tweed Valley is perfect for that. Very hard to choose, but a few favourites would be Date Night, Bart’s Trail, New Wolf, Raelee’s Revenge, and the Angry Sheep.

Raelee’s Revenge, Yair

What would the other coaches say about you?

Errr… apparently I’m a (lovely) robot… I’m going to take it to mean I always get the job done!

Do you have any goals for the year?

Yes. I have plans to get back into Enduro racing this year. I had quite a big crash on a step down jump during the 2017 race season resulting in three months off exercise with a bad concussion. I wasn’t ready to go back into a competitive environment last year, but am very much looking forward to racing the Scottish Enduro Series again now.

What are you currently working on in your own riding?

Loads!! I think there will always be stuff to work on. Currently, I guess my main focus is rebuilding confidence on jumps… and manuals… and trying to stop myself comfort braking in spots where it’s not necessary. Everything really, which is what I love about riding, you’ll always be progressing.

If you missed last’s weeks Q&A with Andy, you can find it here.



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