Features Of Soft Creamy White Cheese?

alwin smith
3 min readOct 8, 2014


Cheeses, whether hard or soft, are dependent on the moisture content. The more the moisture content is the softer will be the cheese. Soft cheeses mainly white cheese always takes center stage in a cheese platter. Camembert and Brie are examples of such soft white cheese, which can keep up their reputation as well as our dependency. It is believed that this type of cheese was first made in Northern France.

Soft Creamy White Cheese is made unique by adding some special cultures into it. A typical soft cheese can be made creamier by adding extra butterfat with it. Using of the special culture produces a white bloom on the surface of the cheese. This Penicilium Candidum culture is generally used to manufacture the white cheese to mature it and ripen it from outside in. The center is also softened with the use of the culture and gives it a wonderful flavor. The white rind is sometimes tinged using an orange which gives it a whole new and different texture.

The typically made soft creamy white cheese generally comes in different sizes and shapes. But the classic white cheeses like Brie and Camembert are generally made according to its designated style. The flavor of such cheeses also varies from mild to buttery and its aroma is slightly mushroomy. Such flavors are given to cheese with the use of some selected cultures and other typical cheese making method. The final end product and its quality will depend on the cheese making method used. The traditional white cheese that is Brie and Camembert is generally hand made using traditional styles. They take more time to get ripened and in the long run develop a delicious flavor. Other white cheeses are made using modern methods which have a milder flavor and should be consumed early.

Some typically made soft creamy white cheese should be stored in the proper manner. Generally it is advised to store cheese in its normal wrapper by keeping it in a sealed plastic container in a separate compartment of the refrigerator. To prevent the cheese from drying out it can be wrapped in a waxed paper and then loosely overwrapped in a plastic wrapper. The wrappers should, however, be replaced on a routine basis. Such cheeses are also rich in nutrients. Energy contained in per 100 gm of cheese is 410.00 kcal. The protein content and carbohydrate is 14.20g and .20g respectively. The fat content is 39.00g out of which 24.90g are saturates.

Such white cheeses can be consumed alone or can be used to prepare unique dishes. It is widely used to prepare cheese dip and a mouth watering cheese cake can also be prepared with soft white cheese. As it has a spreadable texture so it can also be used on toast and sandwiches. If thinking of a wine pairing then Chablis will be the best option as it has steely and cheesy character. Chardonnay can also be tried with as the acidity of this wine balances the creamy texture of the cheese.

