What is Pandora’s World?

4 min readNov 28, 2021


Discover the Complete Metaverse

At Pandora we are creating tools, systems and mechanisms that will truly enhance content creation through blockchain technology and herald a new age of gaming tailored for all play-style preferences. Pandora’s World will be known as an industry leading visionary project that transfers the power and control from the initial development team into the hands of crypto-enthusiasts and gamers globally. Our ultimate goal is to strike a perfect balance between a FPS-First Person Shooter & A true Open-World MMO. Whilst providing gamers world-wide with the opportunity to earn, socialise and have endless fun, regardless of their wealth, background or location.

A Dynamic Content Ecosystem

Pandora’s World provides a unique creative tool Omni — enabling for a comprehensive experience for user-generated content (UGC). We believe this to be a pivotal feature akin to that of Halo or Minecraft providing a blank creative canvas that enables users to bring to life limitless ideas. Within Pandora all UGC will be secured via copyright ownership for their user-created content through blockchain and smart contracts.

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UGC is one of the cornerstones of Pandora and allows gamers to have their very own piece of Virtual Real-Estate*. Once built, Settlements can be exported via Omni into The Nex-Vi marketplace to become NFT game assets. Alternatively, you may also continue to build, upgrade weapon defences and fortitude to create the ultimate strong-hold. Your settlement is effectively a base of operations which must be defended by you and your Clan** (Elite Battle Squad) in PvE modes such as Guardian & Siege Conquest.

The Galactica Social HUB & Nex-Vi Black Market World Economy

The Galactica Social HUB — home of the Nex-Vi Black Market

The Galactica Social Hub is the main interactive space for Pandorites between travel, exploration and quests. To gain access to the docking harbour and enter the Cryoship gamers must have completed the introductory world tasks and reach a required BP (Battle-Point) Level. After which they can activate their Mobility Jet-Packs and fly over to Galactica.

Whilst on-board Galactica:

  • Purchase gear, weapons & Skins (Not all can be purchased) from NPC vendors with $DORA
  • Acquire quests and challenges
  • Store and retrieve gear & special items from your G-Vault
  • Receive rewards for completing quests and challenges
  • Create Fireteams for PvE Quests with other Pandorites & recruit them to your Clan**
  • Play an assortment of mini-games and puzzles for Weekly Rewards and Easter Egg’s

The Nex-Vi Black Market

The Nex-Vi marketplace is the centre of all trade in the Pandora Ecosystem and can be accessed via NPC** interaction whilst on-board Galactica. Items including the rarest weapon skins, unique world relics, custom gear, settlement deed’s & custom builds can all be sold to the highest bidder.

Transactions carried out within Nex-Vi will all be in $DORA.

Pandora’s most desirable and unique items utilise an IPFS network to provide decentralized storage and are all registered onto the blockchain to prove ownership. This ensures that all creations become tradable assets that can be sold or bought via listing’s in the marketplace. When new gear, items or skins are purchased you may equip them to your session character or store them in your G-Vault.

What is $DORA ?

DORA is the backbone of Pandora’s world and we are working on establishing key mechanics that makes DORA intrinsically tied to all aspects of the World and its monetary & transactional systems.

  • Accessing Pandora: Users will need DORA to create their character, purchase gear, weapons, skins and settlement material.
  • Governance: DORA is a governance token that allows holders to participate in key decisions on the platform, using a DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) structure. Holders can exercise voting rights on key elements such as Clan PvE Rewards, Quest Additions, Weapon & Gear Additions and the future roadmap.
  • Staking: DORA allows for staking, which provides passive revenue and income to holders that commit their earned or purchased DORA to the staking Vault on-board Galactica. You will receive more DORA daily by staking it and further increase your scope of earnings within the Pandora Verse.
  • Events & Gameplay: You will earn DORA for completing quests, selling items via the Nex-Vi Black Market and successfully winning daily or weekly PvE events. We have also added the Clan/Guild System** TBA — which will allow for even greater reward potential to users for their concerted team efforts.

A New Complete Metaverse Awaits You…

