Disneyland Paris Ride Capacity List

Updated version

2 min readJun 30, 2014

Every ride, despite of its kind, has a capacity that is measured by how many Guests can ride an attraction during an hour. The capacities are both theoretical and practical, because in reality, the boarding time depends from ride vehicle to ride vehicle, and from guest to guest. In order to satisfy your curiosity about the hourly capacity on the rides in Disneyland Park, I created a list of the attractions ordered by capacity highest at the top, lowest at the bottom. For calculating the theoretical hourly capacity I have used the algorithm P=(C/D*60)(T) — C= Train Capacity; D= Ride Duration; T= Number of trains. Usually, the attractions that you see at the top of the list have small queue times, because they can fit a large number of guests in the same time, so take this as a tip.

• Pirates of the Caribbean- 4591 guests/hour
• Phantom Manor- 3368 guests/hour
• It’s a Small World- 3168 guests/hour
• Space Mountain: Mission 2- 2880 guests/hour
• Le Carousel de Lancelot- 2280 guests/hour
• Big Thunder Mountain- 2160 guests/hour
• Indiana Jones et le Temple du Peril- 2160 guests/hour
• Les Voyages de Pinocchio- 2160 guests/hour
• Star Tours- 1745 guests/hour
• Mad Hatter’s Tea Cups- 1728 guests/hour
• Captain E.O.- 1800 guests/hour
• Autopia- 1600 guests/hour
• Blanche Neige et les Septs Nains- 1440 guests/hour
• Casey Jr. Le Petit Train du Cirque- 1360 guests/hour
• Peter Pan’s Flight- 1200 guests/hour
• Dumbo- The Flying Elephant- approx. 960 guests/hour
• Orbitron- 720 guests/hour
• Buzz Lightyear Laser Blast- N.E.

If you know any of the N.E. capacities, please leave a note. These are approximative capacities, calculated with the algorithm above.
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Hi! I'm Robert, a passionate Disneyland Paris fan with interest for the design and history of Disney Parks around the world. 🎠