What do build while learning Python.

Disrupt Appeal
2 min readJan 13, 2023


There are many different types of projects you can work on while learning Python, depending on your interests and goals.

Developing a project while learning a programming language is the surest way to retain the information you’re soaking in.

Here are a few examples of projects we found possible that can help you practice and improve your Python skills:

Calculator: Creating a simple calculator that can perform basic arithmetic operations. This project will help someone learn about input/output, data types, and basic operators in Python.

Tic-Tac-Toe: To create a simple Tic-Tac-Toe game using Python. This project helps you learn about loops, control flow, and basic GUI programming using a library like Pygame.

Weather App: Creating a weather app that pulls data from an API and displays the current temperature, humidity, and other weather information. This project will help you learn about API calls, JSON data, and working with external data sources.

To-do List: Creating a simple to-do list application that allows users to add and remove tasks. This project will help a programmer learn about data structures, file input/output, and basic database programming.

Text-based Adventure Game: This text-based adventure game that allows the user to explore a virtual world and make choices that affect the outcome of the game. This project will help us learn about control flow, functions, and basic data structures.

Web Scraper: Creating a web scraper that extracts data from a website. This project will help you learn about web scraping, regular expressions, and working with data in Python.

Machine Learning Model: Create a simple machine learning model that can predict the outcome of a problem. This can help you learn about machine learning concepts, libraries like Scikit-learn, and data manipulation.

These are just a few examples, and there are many other types of projects you can work on as you learn Python. The key is to find something that interests you and start building.

