Is AI good or bad for us?

Assessing the benefits and risks for humanity

Stephen McBride
2 min readJan 18, 2024

It’s time to fight back against our AI enemies and debunk the myths surrounding AI impact.

There’s a group of people called “decels” (decelerationists) who think artificial intelligence (AI) will come alive and wipe out humanity.

The “decels” were behind the OpenAI coup attempt a few months ago, when CEO Sam Altman was fired for essentially doing too great of a job pushing AI progress forward.

These folks need to stop watching reruns of The Terminator. AI is a computer program. It’s not going to come alive any more than your refrigerator will.

Want to talk about real threats to humanity? Let’s talk about antibiotic resistance, which kills over 1 million people each year.

AI is coming to the rescue…

A team of MIT and Harvard researchers built an AI model from GPT-4 to discover a new class of antibiotics. The first batch they tested was effective against antibiotic-resistant “superbugs.”

AI: 1. Anti-antibiotics: 0.

The “decels” who want to halt AI progress are part of a larger problem: an anti-progress mind virus that’s infected the world and made us afraid to try new things.

All the movies are reboots or sequels (please, no more superhero films). Every ’90s pop band is doing a reunion tour. And we talked ourselves out of adopting game-changing innovations like nuclear power (that’s changing, thankfully).

We can’t let the “decels” sink their claws into AI, too.

These people want to slow progress because of some imaginary Terminator scenario. What about all the people who will definitely die because we neutered AI and didn’t cure antibiotic resistance?

Not to mention all the lifesaving drugs that weren’t invented by AI

It’s time to stand up and fight for technology, innovation, and progress. Don’t be afraid to give up the good for the great.

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