These are the data center stocks to buy in 2024

Stephen McBride
2 min readFeb 7, 2024


Data center stocks

Data center stocks are $200 billion/year investing megatrend.

Outside the US Embassy, I got talking to a kid who just graduated construction engineering and was moving to New York.

His boss told him: “You’ll be building data centers for the rest of your career.”

Data centers are giant warehouses packed full of thousands of giant supercomputers. Every time you stream movies on Netflix, scroll through Facebook, or watch YouTube… you’re connecting to a data center.

People like to get on their high horse about “digital detoxes” and disconnecting from the web. I agree putting the phone downespecially around your kids — is important.

But the reality is we’re all internet junkies and our time spent online is only going one way: UP.

More time spent online = more data centers. We’re already spending $200 billion/year building them.

A fast-growing trend with long legs: That’s a surefire way to long-term profits.

Investing in businesses that own data centers like Equinix (EQIX) and Digital Realty Trust (DLR) is one way to profit from this trend.

An even better way is to invest in companies that sell chips and servers that go into these data centers.

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