Lauren Parker
2 min readOct 27, 2016


“ I’m relatively sure that none of my buddies, who I heard talking like this, ever went out and raped women… neither have I.

But there were a few occasions when some oversexed female with eyes for me and my blue eyes got all up and all over me and… well, I didn’t ask permission to just … dive in? Shall we say?

Guess what? None of them have ever filed rape charges on me.

These are the kind of loose women that Pissbaby and his less than forthcoming friend were talking about and most-likely everyone who has written their conversation off as “locker-room talk” were thinking of the same kind of women.”

Bad news, bro. You’re a rapist. Or at the very least a rape apologists. You’re participating in sex shaming and “cool girling” where you’re like “No no no we didn’t mean women LIKE YOU we meant those slutty women of no value” and this woman is not buying that bullshit. Also, because women didn’t file charges against you doesn’t mean you did violate their consent.

I’m a woman of the world and I’ll fuck who I want how I want and that doesn’t somehow mean I am required to fuck everyone who is interested in me. That’s the importance of facilitating consent culture. Women don’t owe you love or sex and when you “take it” you’re a rapist. We live in rape culture so I realize that a heavy part of “pursuit” is built around the idea that men do things to women and women play “hard to get” but that’s because we live in a sex shaming culture where we tell women their value is based on purity and being quiet and submissive.

But sorry, if it quacks like a rapist, it’s probably a rapist. And so are your friends. I suggest you cut this shit out and take a long look at what kind of relationships you want to have in the future.



Lauren Parker

Writer. Poet. Columnist for Autostraddle. She/her. Harbinger of chaos. Support my work on