Tom Haverford from Parks and Rec is a Witch

Lauren Parker
3 min readJul 31, 2017


I know. It seems strange to think of Tom as a magical being, but I have hard evidence.

Tom wears red carpet in his shoes — a classic manifestation trick.

Tom is very connected to Mother Earth. He treats all her creatures with reverence.

And worships the cycles of the weather.

He uses sacred tools to invoke the Above.

He creates potions to invoke the Below.

And his love potions are incredibly successful.

He understands ritual robes can be an important part of religious and self expression.

He grapples with the responsibility of psychic insight, and ponders what people should know versus what they’ll want to know.

He casts to lay groundwork for the future.

He understands and worships the warm, nurturing embrace of the love of the Divine Feminine.

And the comradery and jubilance of the love of the Divine Masculine.

He believes in astrology.

He participates in rituals, uses repetition to keep focus, and works with his coven.

And makes tiny crafts of things he wants to enter his life.

Tom struggles with unrealistic portrayals of magic in media.

And he knows that the art of witchcraft is beautiful, but sometimes what you really need is a scientist.

I think we can all agree that Tom Haverford is a dirt-worshiping, Goddess loving, God high-fiving, sky-honoring witch, who works to bring good things to his friends and loved ones.

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Lauren Parker

Writer. Poet. Columnist for Autostraddle. She/her. Harbinger of chaos. Support my work on