Stay Motivated and Achieve Your Goals


Being able to achieve the goals you set isn’t always easy. This is why it is incredibly important to be able to stay motivated to get what you want in the long term. In today’s hectic world, it can be even more challenging to stay focused on reaching your goals. If you are looking for things you can do to help you stay motivated to achieve your goals here are several tips to consider.

Make Sure Your Goals are Yours

All too often we live for those who expected something different from us. This leads to inconsistency and eventually depression. If you are not living your goals for you, you won’t be highly motivated to complete them. One of the most significant challenges in staying motivated and sticking to your goals is making sure that the goals you’ve set for yourself are ones that you truly want to attain. Often our goals are reflections of what others think we should do, rather than what we truly want to achieve. Make sure you are setting goals for things that make you happy and are ones that you want to accomplish. This will make it easier to attach complete to the goal.

Visualize the Results

Hey there.. I’m Nichelle! Thanks for stopping by to read my blog. I love meeting new people. I enjoy eating gourmet foods, traveling and spending quality time with my family, not to mention helping others live a bigger and a better life. I’m kind of a social butterfly too. If that’s you, connect with me on Instagram and let’s learn more about each other.



Start with an end in mind. It is important to clearly visualize the results you want in order to stay motivated in reaching your goals. When you visualize the results, you want to think about how it will feel to reach your goals and what it will look like when you finally achieve them. Visualizing your goals will be what keeps you going through setbacks and challenges. If you need assistance with clarity, let talk. Connect with me here for a 15-minute POWER session.

Tap into Other People’s Positive Energy

This is so key. Jim Rohn once said “you are the sum of the five people you hang around.” As a self-motivated person myself, I still find it plausible to be around others who challenge me and lift me up. Surrounding yourself with positive thinkers who emanate positive energy is important to staying motivated in reaching your goals. Humans give and receive energy and inspiration, by surrounding themselves with the positive energy of others. This will ensure you are receiving more than you are handing out.

“Set Your Goals High and Don’t Stop Until You Get There.”

Get rid of the old and receive the new. If you’re still holding on to it and you haven’t used it, the chances are slim that you will. Bless somebody else with it. Not only should you organize and declutter your life and environment, but you should take time to organize your thoughts as well. Having an unorganized mind and environment will quickly zap your motivation and energy. Begin creating a to-do list to keep your thoughts organized and schedule specific times to complete each task.

Stop Worrying About What You Can’t Control

When it comes to staying motivated in reaching your goals, it is important to take control of what you can, and stop worrying about what you can’t. If you tend to play the “what if” game you will never reach your goals. The best thing you can do is let go of the things you can’t control and start focusing on producing quality work.

Staying motivated to reach your goals is something that you can accomplish. Following these tips and keeping your end goal in mind will keep you excited and motivated and allow you to achieve anything you want. The 5 Day Mindset Diet is a great tool to help keep you on track.

I am Nichelle Womack. As a people building coach, lifestyle and business strategist, I specialize in helping you reach your greatest potential through self-reliance and pushing you to and through your internal greatness. I provide information, inspiration and motivation through online and offline community engagement, power speaking events and one on one consulting. Positive thoughts and language are my fuel for energy and my desire to help you find yours. Looking for more great life tips, check out “The Master Tip Manual for Personal Success”. Many blessings and much success to you!! Connect with me on Instagram. Learn more about me and what I do to help you at The Start Up Ceo.

Originally published at



Nichelle Womack, MBA, CLC {The Start Up Ceo}

Speaker | Business & Life Strategist| Coach | Facilitator | Consultant | God 1st | Love to cook, meet new people and travel | I live everyday with Thanksgiving