The World Of Wars


Divyansh Singh


Sacrifice for the country.

Personalities give their life to revive their country.

Some of them get respected.

Some of them get insulted.

And Some of them never even get noticed.

A Raindrop Falls on the Earth, by Sacrificing Life.

It revives its own Mother.

For the sake of this revival.

Raindrop sacrifices its life.

Many people were born.

Many people had perished.

Every drop of blood they had got mixed with the soil.

But, there are only some of them who give their blood happily to protect that soil.

People who give their blood, For the sake of soil.

For the sake of the country, Are the peoples who become immortal.

It does not matter if people around witness that immortality.

Notice those personalities.

Or make those personalities unnoticed.

But, the blood that once flowed in their veins

Will always give power to the soil, to the nation’s veins.

Those personalities never get rejected from the sacrifice itself.

The sacrifice itself continues to give power to those personalities



Divyansh Singh

I am a Tech-Enthusiast and I love to learn about Science and Technology. I am also the Author of "Reality and Illusion" Book