Djovan Henriques
2 min readJan 24, 2017


Thank you for your input! I’ll respond to each piece individaully to refrain from being too brief..

I absoultely see your point of view and it’s very similar to mine! I am only 22 years old and developing a sense of understanding and identity, as we all are, endlessly.

I like to think of critical thinking and conspiracy thinking as fraternal twins because they’re very closely related but differ in ideology and faith. I am like you, I need facts to believe anything as certain but my imagination also encourages the idea of undocumented truths. I believe there is more that we don’t know than we do know, so I like to stay opened minded even if it lacks the appropriate facts at times…

— I’ll shift over to Trump and I see your loss of hope for his administration. And I too, had an optimistic vision following his election. As much as I did not support him in the election, I felt by his victory, it would disrupt a system that is, in my book, so primitive compared to modern generations, that something needed to happen, no matter the consequences.

I took it as a blessing disguised as a curse, and in some ways, still do. I believe that, had Hillary been elected, things would remain normal. Some would argue that keeping things normal is just fine but not for those who continue to work longer hours for lower wages, have no clean water, etc.

In a sense, I don’t know what Trump will do himself. He is far too unpredictable for me to say. (Unpredictability being a crucial law in Robert Greene’s 48 Laws of Power) But what is clear to me, is how a lot of people in America are misinterpreting what is reality as an outcome of a Trump presidency. (I touch on this in my last article)

— I think the real change here will not be created by Trump, but by the people as we challenge each other’s ideologies. Trump was a catalyst in exposing the true character of our people in the War on Truth. (I wrote about this in my article: Something BIG is going on…)

— I have arguments on Twitter daily with people who repeat ideas created by our media who, themselves, are not in touch with reality either. I try to bring awareness to them by tracing their conspiracy back to it’s origin and it almost always derives from fact-less theories.

I really do think that at this time, there is a war on the mind, as I see so many people in a confused state and lash out in hostile rages when you attempt to challenge their beliefs. There is obviously no mature, practicality in these people with reactions such as this. In my view, if negative, hostility is the method for some people to communicate ideas and beliefs, there must be something flawed in their balance of logic and emotion; and it shows more about the person’s mental health than anything else…I would be more than happy to elaborate on this in future discussions.

Thank you!




Djovan Henriques

I'm an astronaut, a dog whisperer, a pencil, and a liar ; Writer, activist, truth seeker and dare I say it, intellectual (Twitter: @DjovanHenriques)