Falcon Project and Take My Muffin partnership. Details.

Falcon Project
6 min readNov 17, 2021


(Nov 17, 2021)

We can all admit we are children at heart and many of us adore cartoons, especially if these are mature cartoons for adults! Um... No, this cartoon is not the typical kind you may think of. This is a super progressive, brain-breaking animated sitcom where a three-eyed cat, a unicorn, a talking potato and other characters build successful (or maybe not) startups worth millions of dollars! All this is flavored with a large portion of modern satire, on the edge humor and, as usual, moderate cruelty. In general, something we all may love! Cool right?! 😏

…a three-eyed cat, a unicorn, a talking potato and other…

Now it begs the question - what does the blockchain have to do with it? The blockchain, in fact, is the very foundation of the project. To begin, this is the world's first animated series produced in collaboration with the crypto community and by the professional animation studio Toonbox!

In case you didn't know, Pavel Muntyan is the man behind the Toonbox brand!
Pavel is an incredibly enthusiastic, extraordinarily intelligent man who tries to be one step ahead in everything. Wikipedia tells us that he is also a figure in Russian animated cinema, animator, screenwriter, co-founder and evangelist of the Virtual State of Freeland. It looks like he knows his business!

Mr. Freeman, one of Pavel’s finest creations!

At this stage, it should already be clear that the Toonbox studio, even without the blockchain, is an experienced team that has been delighting us with its cool cartoons for a good 20 years.

So why do they need blockchain? 🤔

Attention! Spoiler!
This project is not like the ICO that Rock* launched in one of the episodes of the first season.
* - Rock is a key character in Take My Muffin. Unprincipled, cynical rogue and adventurer. And part-time leader of the company.

The writing and ideas of Take My Muffin have been taking shape over the past three years since the idea was born. The deeper the animated series dove into the concept of blockchain, the deeper the blockchain penetrated into real life, becoming an integral part of the Take My Muffin world. How could a cutting-edge satirical animated series about startups and blockchain be anything but great?

The studio does everything exactly in accordance with the latest blockchain trend and rules.

Here you have an NFT, which when purchased you will not only receive a professionally created non-fungible token, but also automatically become a member of the project itself. In doing so you will have received an airdrop of TMM management tokens to your address. From now on, you will be able to participate in votes for certain decisions in the animated series.
I don't think you will be allowed to kill the main character in the middle of the season, but making him pick his nose in the fifth minute of the third episode sounds quite real.

Toonbox's NFTs are very diverse and available on both the Ethereum network and the Binance Smart Chain.

Want a limited edition animated NFT on Rarible? - Yes Please!

Take My Muffin — Profile | Rarible

Angry with Vitalik and the Ethereum network combined? Annoyed with insane gas fees? Then hurry over to the Binance marketplace where you can buy generative NFT main characters like the sensational Crypto Punks and put them on your Twitter avatar!

Rok’s avatar trend!

And most importantly remember, you are no longer just a degenerate trader, you are now part of the real story. A story that many will only learn about watching on the big screens!

Instead of a thousand words, just take a look at this pre-release video:

16+ only

List of Toonbox creations that you may have seen:

The animated series "Qumi-Qumi"

"The Adventures of Om Nom" adaptation of the famous Cut the Rope game series

Educational and developing animated series "Kit ^n^ Kate!"

And finally, last but not least, the animated web series "Mr. Freeman"

I don’t know how old you are and where you live, but in my school years I downloaded the first episodes of the animated series Masyanya via an ADSL modem and watched it through the Flash player. It was a super-satirical internet cartoon that could not be seen on TV, but could earn a slap from your parents if they caught you watching it. The world was not even ready for this yet, and the guys from Toonbox were already at the forefront of cartoon satire back in 2002 and were an important part of this story! This is a fact!

Terribly charming Masyanya!

More about cooperation

Now that we understand that Pavel Muntyan and Toonbox are really cool and very impressive, let's tell you exactly what the partnership between Falcon Project and Take My Muffin will be.

Falcon Project is the official partner of Take My Muffin, along with projects such as 1inch and Tornado Cash.

Appearance on blue screens

It would be weird to collaborate with the first animated series produced in collaboration with the crypto community and not leave your mark on the big screens, wouldn't it? And our case will be no exception! Falcon will make an appearance in the show! Of course, we will not tell you exactly how and where you can notice turquoise-feathered Easter eggs that are dear to your eye. To do this, you will have to carefully watch each episode in anticipation of the very cherished one!
Fortunately, with the relevance of the plot and unique script, Take My Muffin is doing quite well. You will not be disappointed. And i bet after the end of the first season, you will look forward to the next one!

World Friendship Gum

Any statement of partnership implies good human relations between projects. We will tell you about our friends and their successes, and they, in turn, will tell their community about what heights we are reaching. Everyone is happy, everyone is good! For good friends, it's not a shame to brag a little.

Family adoption

Every morning while checking the official Falcon.eth address, we proudly contemplate the rarest Take My Muffin NFT-DAO-token, feeling like a part of this new emerging universe!
And to show our hospitality to the Take My Muffin community, the Falcon Project team unanimously decided to airdrop FNT to all Take My Muffin TMM token holders! The airdrop will be carried out by the number of holders' wallets, excluding the number of TMM at one address. A snapshot of the network has already been taken! You will learn about the completion of the airdrop in the corresponding announcement. Follow Take My Muffin and the Falcon Project on Twitter so you don't miss a thing!

In the longread tradition, we would like to express our gratitude to all those who made this partnership possible and to all those who have supported us for a long time and those who have recently joined the Falcon Project family! ✊

Official Falcon Project chat

Falcon announcements channel 📢

