Have you been waiting for an update?

Falcon Project
4 min readJul 28, 2021


It's been quite a while since the last update from Falcon Project, but here we are to fix that!

You are about to read a short article/report and have at your disposal some information about the readiness of the FNC private blockchain and about the affairs of the project as a whole. If some new world force majeure or other unforseen global events do not happen, then everything will be completed on time. Haha! 😅 Let's go!

So, why haven't there been updates for so long?

As you all remember, the Falcon Project team is a group of enthusiasts united by one goal, the goal of creating and launching a convenient and functional decentralized project complete with optional privacy. All this is done using personal savings of the team members and in their free time from family and time from work. Don’t let this look like an excuse to you, but this information is definitely worthy of periodic mention in order to be in your minds when you ask - "When?"

Yes, the project team has a fairly significant development fund in FNT tokens, but at the moment we cannot afford to implement it for the health of the project.

But to be honest, the limited funds and time have never greatly affected our operational efficiency, unlike pandemic circumstances. Yes, COVID-19 has touched each of us, put some of our developers out of action for a while, and I also felt it on myself in a rather difficult form.

But the good thing is that we endured this test quite staunchly, and all the team members are alive and are in the proud ranks of the Falcon Project! ✊

Lying with the temperature in bed and swallowing another portion of pills, we did not waste time and discussed various possibilities to speed up development processes.

After many days of brainstorming, we made a number of decisions to conduct some internal rebalancing of forces and expand the development staff, giving preference only to those who have passed the test of time and teamwork.

This was preceded by several intra-team and business meetings, including with teams of third-party companies, and thousands of miles of travel.

We came to this need after we could no longer put up with the irresponsibility of any kind of freelance developers and other similar remote specialists. We can say that we are back to the good old way of talking "face to face" and signing contracts on real paper! And I can tell you that in person twenty-minute communication is perhaps the best way to understand who is actually sitting in front of you. As it turns out, some people have forgotten what off-Twitter communication is and which shelf their favorite negotiation pants are on. And it doesn't even seem funny anymore.

So let's get to the point

A new separate specialist team is now working on completing the blockchain of our privacy FNC coin.

- Yes, yes, not one person, not two, but a whole gang!

Of course, now we have to bring all their progress to the eyes and ears of our community, which means that you should not experience a lack of information about the development movement in the future. In other words, we will now issue weekly mini reports for the community!

We have set ourselves a deadline for the public release of the blockchain, desktop wallets and automatic exchange bridge until the end of the 3rd quarter of 2021. Those who closely follow our chats already have this information, so for them it will not be something new. Everything is going according to plan, even in spite of the pandemic circumstances and the forced measures to find additional developers.

Aaand, again

Well, now we can say with a high degree of confidence that the established time frame for the readiness and launch of the FNC blockchain will be met. In accordance with the original concept of the Falcon Project, along with the privacy FNC coin, a convenient bridge will be delivered to exchange between your FNT tokens on the ETH and BSC network.

In other words, at any moment in time you can choose for yourself the network that will be most useful to you, or just closer to your soul.

All this will be ready by the end of September 2021 and is in the competence of a hired team of specialists who work under the control of our internal technical supervision.

It seems that the number of letters in this message is approaching a critical value for human attention, so we will save the rest of the information for our next meeting and the next report with a description of some of the features!

In the meantime, we invite you to discuss what you have read in our glorious Falcon chat! 🤝

