Tim Ferriss and The Key to Becoming Successful

Casey Moran
3 min readNov 19, 2018


When was the last time you became motivated?

Was it today when you were scrolling through Facebook or Instagram and you saw a motivational quote? Maybe you stepped on the scale last night and thought, it’s time!

What happened right after you saw the quote or stepped off the scale? You go back to life as is and forget about that thought of bettering yourself.

So, what lies between Motivation and Success? The answer…PERSISTENCE!

Tim Ferriss, who wrote The 4 Hour Workweek, which he is best known for is a great example. Besides writing The 4 Hour, which has sold over 1.3 million copies, he has authored several other best sellers. He also has “The Tim Ferriss Show” a podcast that has over 80 million download as of 2016, Oh and he is an advisor to Facebook, Twitter and Uber, to name a few.

Tim is a perfect example of Persistence as when he was trying to get The 4 Hour Workweek Published he was rejected by the first publisher, and the second…and the third. In fact, he was rejected by the first 25 publishers he went to.

It was the 26th publisher who said yes. They didn’t say yes because they thought it was the best book in the world, but because Tim had been persistent in his pursuit of his dream and believed in him and his drive that would make the book a success. I guess they were right!

Motivation is easy. Success is hard. So, what are you gonna do with your motivation?

How do you take your motivation and turn it into success? Persistence.

What does that mean?

Here are three keys to take your motivation and create success from it.

1) Write it Down — You are 42% more likely to do something if you write it down.

2) Understand Your WHY — Your Why will get you through the tough times…it’s what got Tim to the 26th publisher who finally said yes.

3) Develop a Plan — You must create a detailed plan with Daily Action Steps!

That’s it!

The below video explains in a bit more detail how to become successful!

Mindset Monday — Persistence

Remember…this is your life…Live it YOUR Way!

Stay Connected…






Casey Moran

My Goal is to Inspire, Educate and Motivate you to Live Your Best Life! www.caseymoran.com