What should we eat for mouth ulcers? (6 effective foods for mouth ulcers)

Dr. Farhan
5 min readJul 1, 2024


Image Credit: iStock Dr. Farhan

Mouth sores are one of the common problems that each of us faces at some point in our lives. There are many ways to treat canker sores; From the use of honey during treatment to supplements such as vitamin B.

In some cases, mouth sores can lead to more serious problems such as mouth cancer for people, and therefore, its prevention and treatment become necessary.

What is mouth sores?

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Canker Sore is a common disease that can appear in the form of sores on any of the soft tissues of the mouth, including the lips, inside of the cheek, gums, tongue, floor and roof of the mouth, and every person faces it at some point in life for different reasons.

This disease is usually known as a minor irritation that occurs inA period of 1 to 2 weeks is treated, but in some cases, it can cause an infection or cancer which is harmful to the body.

In the following, we will tell you in detail what to eat for mouth sores.

What To Eat For the treatment of RAS?

There are many possible answers to the question of what to eat for a canker sore, each of which can have a different effect on your wound healing. There are also medicinal methods to treat three types of mouth sores. However, in this subheading we talk more about home remedies and foods that you can implement to improve your condition:

Alum powder

Alum powder consists of potassium aluminum sulfate and is often used to preserve food and pickle vegetables. According to Healthline , research conducted in 2016 shows that alum has a lot of astringent properties and can help shrink tissues and dry up wounds.


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The exact cause of canker sores is not yet known. Many attribute the origin of this disease to Helicobacter pylori bacteria , which can also cause stomach ulcers and inflammatory bowel disease.According to this theory, yogurts that contain probiotics can help heal and heal your wound as quickly as possible.

For this reason, we suggest that you include at least 1 cup of yogurt daily in your diet in case of mouth sores.


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Honey is recognized for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Healthline stated that it is possible to treat canker sores with honey and it plays a big role in healing mouth ulcers. Honey can improve its pain, size and redness and help prevent secondary infections.

Note that you should not give honey to babies under 12 months of age who have mouth sores because it can cause infant botulism.

Coconut Oil

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Due to its high lauric acid content, coconut oil has many antimicrobial properties and not only helps to treat wounds caused by bacteria, but also prevents it from spreading. We recommend that you apply coconut oil on your wounds every day.

Pomegranate paste

One of the most common ways to heal mouth sores is to treat mouth sores with pomegranate paste, which has many anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, and apart from pain, it also affects the reduction and redness of the wound.


Rinsing the mouth with salt water is one of the most popular home remedies for all kinds of oral infections, which can help dry mouth sores. If you're looking for a quick remedy for a child's mouth sores, try gargling with salt water every few hours.

What is the medical treatment of canker sores?

To treat canker sores, there are over-the-counter and prescription products that can help reduce symptoms and help the sores heal faster. Generally, doctors go to the following drugs to treat this disease:

Benzocaine, acknowledged as a regional anesthetic.
Different mouthwashes that contain hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine or dexamethasone.
Skin conditions are often treated with topical corticosteroid ointments such as fluocinonide, beclomethasone, or hydrocortisone hemisuccinate.
Antibiotics commonly recommended for recurrent ulcers, such as doxycycline.
Cautery is recommended for severe wounds and cauterizes the damaged tissue.
Apart from these cases, there are vitamin supplements such as B Complex, which are recommended by the doctor to treat mouth ulcers in people who are deficient in nutrients.

Treatment of mouth sores in traditional medicine

In traditional medicine, the liver is known as the main cause of mouth ulcers, and for this reason, all solutions revolve around this organ of the body. In the following, we mention some methods of treating canker sores in traditional medicine, which can have a good effect on healing the wound and its pain:

  • Disinfection of the liver from harmful bile substances that have changed.
  • Avoid eating fried foods that contain a lot of fat.
  • Topical mouthwashes to improve conditions. For example, to treat mouth ulcers with baking soda , which restores the pH balance and can reduce inflammation.
  • Consumption of fresh pomegranate juice, tarshale, peach, apricot, Bukhara plum, coriander, chicory and asparagus.
  • Performing different blood collection methods such as cupping.
  • Using herbal bath water that is prepared without detergents.

What should we do to avoid pests?

Although there is no surefire way to prevent lice, there are a few things you can do to improve your chances of getting it, such as:

Avoid acidic, salty or spicy foods.
Maintain good oral hygiene. Brush twice a day with a soft toothbrush and floss at least once a day.
Talk to your doctor and a specialist to see what potential nutritional deficiencies you may have.
Stress reduction techniques and meditation can also play a role in reducing the risk of oral cancer.

Final Word

Mouth ulcers are often very painful and can be annoying. Of course, this pain is not pleasant, but it is not dangerous. Unlike herpes, the plague is not in the initial stage of infection and is not spread from person to person. Most of the people in such situations turn to non-prescription drugs to relieve the pain and cure it in a certain period of time.

However, if the symptoms of this wound do not improve after eating different foods and taking medicines, you should go to a doctor and specialist so that you can get help from better treatment methods and find out its causes and origins.



Dr. Farhan

I'm doing MBBS. I like to write article and reading stories, books.