Fishhook Theory, explained.

2 min readFeb 25, 2020


Think of it like this

The average centrist will see no issue with the right moving further right

But they take GREAT exception to attempts by the left to move left

In practice, this manifests as the centrist appearing to follow the right ever rightwards as the left stands still, while telling themselves they are attempting to remain in between them

In effect, centrism only ever serving to enable the drift to fascism

When asked to choose between a right wing status quo and left wing paradigm shift centrists will always side with the status quo

A centrist who sees the extreme left and the extreme right as ‘equally bad’ is only ever helping the extreme right

Who welcome and facilitate this equivalency

As it serves two purposes

Not only does it undermine attempts by the left to make inroads with moderates on some of their more radical proposals

It normalizes the more insidious parts of the extreme right

When you have someone saying antifascists are just as morally reprehensible as fascists

Only fascists benefit from that

By equating VERY bad stuff with at worst, morally grey stuff, it makes the bad stuff seem less bad

Even though in the centrist’s mind, they are simply on the side of logic and reason

Of course the solution to the extreme views is the middle ground

It doesn’t even occur to them that their actions are enabling the MORE extreme views

That’s why Pelosi and Schumer still treating Trump like a normal president and not doing everything they could to impeach and undermine him for being a literal fascist was so dumb

And emblematic of why moderacy is redacted.

