Til Respect Do Us Part

Jennifer Hammersmark
Mind Your Madness
Published in
2 min readApr 29, 2019

A love letter . . .

Hello my Lovely,

I thought it was probably time to have a chat about the changes we are going through.

Given our differences as individuals, there was bound to be times now and then that the distance between us would be wider. Now is one of those times.

Touched By An Angel, Season 1, Episode 7

When two people are on a journey, there will be miles when they fall silent. But that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be traveling together

I have thoroughly enjoyed our time together thus far. It hasn’t always been easy, but we have a love and a commitment to one another that is very solid. For this I am very grateful. I know our loyalty will carry us through this transition as well.

I personally am at an age and stage where my health and my financial stability must be top priority. I cannot live life as if I am invincible, and will be here forever. I am not, and I won’t be.

You, on the other hand, are in a place where you do have more time and are enjoying your success — as you should be.

I am not worried about our longevity as we maneuver through this. We care about each other enough to ride the wave. What I am slightly concerned about is that we manage this time, this difference in our path, with respect.

Respect is at the core of every human interaction. Regardless of how old you are, or what social status you hold, we all need to feel respected and valued.

When we treat others with respect, it shows that we recognize their value and worth. Respect is important in any relationship. For a relationship to be successful, there has to be great respect for one another, even when disagreements arise.


I believe respect for one another must be one of our highest values. As long as we can both agree on this, we will be okay.

