The key to having a Prosperous career is finding good books to read

Dodez Sescrin
2 min readDec 8, 2022


When was the last time you read a good book? ages ago i bet. anyways lots of people really struggle to read something useful in a day especially books. reading can be extremely tiresome undertaking, right now we are already bombarded by thousands of social media articles a day each minute we turn on your phone. its such a mind boggling world we live in right now. its quiet a struggle to bring everybody onboard the book digesting business.

Learning as much information as i can has been my number one priority since the time i was a small toddler. there is so much information out there that is hidden in books, all you need to do is to dig it up and enjoy the treasure. there is nothing valuable like stumbling upon a a manuscript that covers someone’s entire career or their expeditions across the world. they put it in pen and paper so that readers don’t have to go through the exact negative experiences they went through in their old lives as before. Boos are very important and every person in the world should learn to become a great leader if they really want to be successful in life.

Here are a couple of subjects and categorifies i have been following in my academic career for a while now.

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Dodez Sescrin

Poetry is the best way of expression, whenever there is something in life that baffles humans they always put it into poetry. it brings out our deepest emotions