BridgeDoge Private RPC Access via NFT on #DogeChain

Much WOW, much speed, much exclusive, woof woof

Bridge Doge
4 min readSep 1, 2022

What is RPC?

RPC or Remote Procedure Call is used in distributed computing to execute procedures on shared network as if it were a normal (local) procedure. It is a must-have part of infrastructure to participate in web3 networks.

RPC nodes provide a link between blockchains and the decentralized applications (dApps) that run on top of them. Web3 wallets and specific blockchains usually have default RPC providers so that users can easily start interacting with web3 applications, however, sometimes these public RPC nodes cause problems for everyday users and web3 developers due to slow network speeds, incorrect blockchain data, and unreliable service (uptime).

What is private RPC endpoint?

A private RPC is an RPC endpoint with a unique URL that only the owner can use to send transactions to the public mempool, providing individuals with a direct, speed connection to a node provider. Private RPC endpoints enable users to publish transactions through a dedicated endpoint instead of using default or public endpoints which is being used simultaneously by other users.

Some of the use cases where traders, developers or everyday users benefit from switching from default to private endpoints include:

  • Doing transactions during an exclusive, first-come-first-serve NFT mint
  • Sending transactions to capitalize on time-sensitive arbitrage opportunities
  • Getting reliable service when other node providers experience degraded service during airdrops
  • Ease of mind having access to faster, more accurate, and dependable than alternative providers.

Typical cost to access private RPC on popular EVM blockchains like Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Polygon, Avalanche or others varies around ~50$ per month or ~500$ per year.

BridgeDoge RPC for DogeChain

DogeChain is newly launched (August’22) EVM compatible blockchain, which quickly garnered popularity among many users, with daily transaction count going up to 300,000, rivaling the likes of Polygon, Ethereum or Avalanche.

BridgeDoge is small but very experienced and dedicated team of blockchain developers and security experts. We developed a solution where users can access exclusive, private RPC at fraction of typical cost. Users can mint an NFT and based on the variant of the NFT will get unique, dedicated RPC url on our website for a period between 2 weeks and 1 year.

BridgeDoge NFT with RPC pass

There will be total of 5000 NFTs available, 4200 of which will get assigned random rarity (like during typical NFT minting) corresponding to length RPC access as follows:

  • Entry, 2 weeks access — 2000 pcs or 47% rarity
  • Premium, 1 month access — 1200 pcs or 29% rarity
  • Gold, 3 month access — 600 pcs or 16% rarity
  • Ultra, 6 months access — 300 pcs or 8% rarity
  • Black, 1 year access — 100 pcs or 2% rarity

The minting price is set at 60 $DOGE. Max mint per wallet is 9. The NFTs can be traded like any other NFT and is planned for release on Oasis marketplace.

Additionally, these NFTs — except entry level, — will be used in NFT staking protocol in the future. More details on that to be released at later stage, stay tuned.

It cannot be stressed enough that for 60 $DOGE (or approx. 3.5$) some lucky users will get whopping 1 year RPC access, which is unprecedented when comparing with usual costs, which would land in $500 range. The reason, we at BridgeDoge, decided to provide such service at such low cost is because we love $DOGE and DogeChain and want to see it succeed and thrive. We believe in the success of this collection so much that, in the event it doesn’t mint out beforehand, we will close minting by 10th September.

Non-random RPC pass

For those users who don’t want to take chances and simply get desired level of access our enterprise grade RPC directly, BridgeDoge will open additional 800 mints with following options:

  • Gold (boosted), 3 month access — 500 pcs @ 250 $DOGE
  • Ultra (boosted), 6 months access — 250 pcs @ $500 DOGE
  • Black (boosted), 1 year access — 50 pcs @ $1000 DOGE

This will bring total collection to 5000 pcs. We believe this is still a bargain and only few spots like this are available. Additionally, those who decide to mint from this pool of NFTs will be rewarded in the future with boosted staking rewards for our planned release of BridgeDoge token with bridge fee sharing mechanism. These NFTs will have a special badge to indicate the boosted staking rewards and will become available from 5th September.

How to mint BridgeDoge NFT?

Simply go to, connect your Metamask, choose number of NFTs you want to mint and confirm transaction in your wallet.

Minting page

How to get your personal RPC url?

After you have minted your NFT, in order to generate your own unique RPC url for dedicated node access, go to while connected with the same wallet which holds the NFT and click “generate RPC url”.

Generate unique RPC

Once generated, you can swap or add new RPC to your Metamask. Go to Settings -> Networks -> Add Network. The link can be used to re-generate new url (in case the NFT is sold for example). The access will still be valid from the first time the initial RPC link has been generated.

Adding new RPC to Metamask

For more information and to hang out with us follow us on social media.




Woof woof!



Bridge Doge dev, easiest & fastest way to move $DOGE between BSC and DogeChain