Sens: shit gun + shit utility = shit operator

Dogtor Flashbank
2 min readJul 8, 2022


Just added the newly introduced Sens’ gun, POF-9, to the ranking of Siege guns in the SCOAR spreadsheet. It placed 6th worst among attackers’ guns. There are two main problems with it. First, the abysmal recoil. It feels worse than R4. Second, it has a VERY low damage output. Only Blackbeard’s gun is worse in this respect. Even SMGs are better.

Usually operators with bad guns have good abilities (and vice versa), to make them balanced. No such luck with Sens. His/her (non-binary person by Ubisoft’s description) ability is straight from Valorant. It’s like three smokes, but more difficult to use, and they can be blown away with explosives. Sens has a Gnome-6 and a hard breach gadget, but they are not enough to make up for the deficits.

Sens is the worst attacker since Kali. At least Kali has her own niche, as an alternative to Thatcher, and as a sniper. Sens does not. I can see one reason that Sens is so underwhelming: starting this season, new operators are instantly available in pro play (previously there was a three month quarantine), so Ubisoft needs to make sure they are not overpowered. And so, we get a dud.

When the next Designer’s Notes come out, I expect Sens to be bottom tier, with -2% to -3% win delta, among such distinguished operators as Kali, Capitao, and Blackbeard. Because of this, I also expect a buff. The most logical thing would be to make the recoil better, as currently it makes the gun almost unusable, especially with higher-magnification scopes. Other possibilities include making Sens a two-speed, and giving him/her flashes.

