Siege: moron teammates the main problem now

Dogtor Flashbank
1 min readFeb 28, 2022


Now that the cheater situation has gotten a little bit better, meaning that I don’t encounter cheaters in every second match, as was the case at one point in January, moron teammates have become the most painful problem for me.

To deal with it, I would like two features implemented in the game:

  1. avoid as teammate”, so if I meet some morons once, I don’t have to meet them ever again (unless in the opposing team, which I would very much welcome)
  2. splitting the queue into solo queue and stacks queue, with whatever ifs and buts attached to make it work. It’s not rocket science. Just dew it.

I explained the first point in details in the linked article. Community has been asking for the second for quite some time. Personally, I am so fucking tired of playing as solo against stacks and of moron stacks in my team.

That’s all. End of message.

