Drip Network vs Day Trading

7 min readNov 22, 2021


Day Trading — DRIP FIXES IT!

Day trading is risky but potentially lucrative for those that achieve success. Several factors come into play in determining potential upside from day trading, including starting capital amount, strategies used, the markets you are active in, and luck.

Since 2001, I’ve been day trading with an eye on eventually, somewhere down the road, quitting my day job and trading for a living! By June 2018 I’d been trading for 17 years. When I say 17 years I am talking about something like 5 hours a day while holding down a day job!!! I spent hours and hours pouring over charts, strategies, reading trading books, watching videos, learning technical analysis, trading demo accounts, live accounts, etc. I have tested thousands of different strategies (both mechanical and manual). By 2007, I had discovered trading forums and other people were ‘copying’ my trades on various ‘social trading platforms’ like ZuluTrade, eToro and Darwinex.

My profile page on a popular forex trading forum. Note the 8.9% ROI in 4 months on one of my many accounts back then.

I spent thousands on private servers, squawk boxes, programmers to programme trading algorithms, trading computers with the multiple monitors and all the other trading requirements a good day trader must have. In June 2018, I decided to make a go of it! I took a year off my career and for that year I did what every retail trader on every trading forum on the web dreams of — — I traded for a living!!

All in all, I won’t call my year of trading for a living a failure, as I did turn a profit. The problem was, I never quite made the money I had envisaged. In the end, I succumbed to the relentless pressure of having to earn my day job’s salary while trading my life savings each and every month (roughly 2% ROI per month) in trading profits in order to pay my bills. The panic of not being profitable for days on end vs the euphoria of meeting your daily/weekly goal in a matter of hours was just too much of a rollercoaster ride!

Long story short, by August of 2019, I was back in my day job, earning a relatively stress-free steady paycheck.

In a way, with the benefit of hindsight, you could say I’ve wasted 17 years of my life learning to day trade. Thankfully, somewhere around 2011, I also became intrigued with Bitcoin. Yes, I was one of those who lost BTC when fraudster Mark Karpeles and Mt.Gox went down. Back then you had to buy BTC with the now defunct Liberty Dollars. It was quite a mission to acquire BTC, but I found a way. Since 2011, I’ve bought (and and sold and/or spent) so much BTC in so many wallets, I’ve lost count.

As you can see…I was moving BTC around willy nilly 7 years ago!!

{If only I had HODL’d it all, but oh well…I have been given a second chance by way of the Drip Network. But , back to the topic at hand.}

Granted, the richest and best traders in the world aren’t trading their own accounts to pay the weekly grocery bill and monthly rent. They are managing billions of dollars to grow their clients capital over the long term. Most also trade huge positions for longer periods of time. Few day trade but a few firms use high frequency trading programs for intra-day trading and scalping. I’m going to compare the performances of some of the best traders in the world (of which I certainly am not one) with the Drip Network, whose developer, Forex Shark, is or was also a day trader of repute. His very name indicates that he, like me, found his way to crypto via navigating his way through the maze of trading. Unlike me, however, he went on to develop Drip Network!! GENIUS!!


Now, for those of you who don’t know anything about Drip… DRIP is a Certificate of Deposit-like crypto project that allows you to make a return of 365% in a year where DRIP tokens are paid back to you in daily 1% installments based on your original deposit. This can be turned into incredible returns of up to 3,678% a year if you re-compound (“hydrate”) your installments on a daily basis. At the time of writing 1 Drip token = US$23.34!


1-George Soros vs Drip Network

Hate him or love him, the infamous George Soros will forever be known as the man who broke the Bank of England. Arguably the best known forex trader ever, he has a $8.6 billion current net worth. He managed the Quantum Fund, the most successful hedge fund in history, generating over $40 billion in profits and produced approximately 20% per year compound returns before returning their capital and closing it to outside investors. George Soros’s 20% per annum return vs Drip Network’s 365% pa without compounding and 3179.6% pa when compounding every day. Drip is a clear winner!!

George Soros’s 20% per annum return vs Drip’s 365% pa without compounding and 3179.6% pa when compounding every day. Drip is a clear winner!!

2-Darwinex vs Drip Network

Darwinex is one way people can ‘copy’ successful traders, thus emulating their trading success. Darwinex provides traders exceptional execution, access to a wide range of financial assets, front-to-back asset management infrastructure, and the regulatory umbrella necessary to legally monetize third party investor capital. Trades are anonymized, and intellectual property rigorously protected at all times. Let’s take a look at just how well the best traders on Darwinex perform, shall we.

The top 3 Darwinex traders average 70% per year vs Drip’s 365% pa without compounding and 3179.6% pa when compounding every day. Drip is a clear winner!!

The top 3 Darwinex traders average 70% per year vs Drip’s 365% per annum without compounding and 3179.6% pa when compounding every day. Drip is a clear winner!!

3-ZuluTrade vs Drip Network

The top 3 ZuluTrade traders average 92% per year vs Drip’s 365% per annum without compounding and 3179.6% pa when compounding every day. Drip is a clear winner!!

4- eToro vs Drip Network

At least they tell you that 67% of retail traders lose…in truth, that should probably be closer to 95%!!

Past performance does not guarantee future performance, but the best trader on eToro earns 85% per year vs Drip’s 365% per annum without compounding and 3179.6% pa when compounding every day. Drip, once again, is a clear winner!!

Why on earth would you ever day trade, or copy the most successful traders in the world, when you have the Drip Network available to you!?

If you were to participate in the Drip Network and compound your daily 1% installments earned with, let’s say $1000 worth of Drip tokens, instead of ‘investing’ your $1000 copying successful traders on social trading platforms, here are the results…

Still contemplating trading for a living? My advice…save yourself the trouble, consider the DRIP passive investment, and join the Drip Network instead.

How to get started:

  1. Make sure you have BNB in your Metamask wallet. If you need to buy BNB, go to Binance.com or PancakeSwap and buy BNB. If you’re in the US, go to https://www.finder.com/how-to-buy-binance-coin
  2. Select the SWAP tab by going to https://drip.community/fountain and buy at least 1.12 DRIP tokens with BNB (1 Drip is the minimum, so 1.12 Drip =1 Drip — 10% tax)

3. Then, select the DRIP Faucet page by going to https://drip.community/faucet. Every participant in DRIP’s staking platform (i.e. the “Faucet”) is a member of someone’s team. In order to make a deposit into the Faucet staking contract, the Faucet’s Deposit page requires participants to specify a referral wallet address (a.k.a. “Buddy” address).

4.Scroll down to GET A BUDDY SECTION and enter the buddy address 0x0cbdFac5e093C49BD1f8633fdeD37216ACBDcf4F

5. Deposit your DRIP into the faucet. Please be sure to leave some BNB so you can pay gas fees and hydrate. The gas fees are usually +- $1.


Drip Faucet Analytics: http://bit.ly/3hpJ7gR

Drip Watcher: https://sidekick.finance/DripWatcher

Drip Calculator: https://bit.ly/3jDUDGk

DripFi — Your Drip Earnings Tool https://bit.ly/3BgCDb2

Daily Compound Calculator https://bit.ly/3nsyIDf

Drip Simulator https://notio-ca.github.io/drip-netwo...





Crypto and DeFi enthusiast. In 2011, I became intrigued with Bitcoin. I was one of those who lost BTC when Mt.Gox went down.