Spirit Journey Part One: 9/29

The Way Opens

Dominique Williams
2 min readOct 11, 2022
Image by KELLEPICS on Pixabay

The path. Always with the path. Well, because time. Forward is only supposed to have one way.

For now, affirmations & visualization. Because they work, because they’re basic. And also because you wanted this.

The “master” is due some acts of servitude, and so I comply. Together, we shall see your desires come to light → and then the true “path” can open.

So focus. Imagine. Stretch your awareness and bend reality to the whim of the Observer. It begins there. And then, we reconvene for the real meditation — the dangerous vision quest of the Self through the Soul.

Will your awareness make it, I wonder? Can it transcend its 4D composition?

Strengthen it and we’ll see.

I started with a control — “I am loved.” It helps because there’s a feeling associated with belief, and it easily conjures visualizations I can work to make more vivid over time.

Next, I did “I am abundant.” Still carries the feeling of belief, but more limited. There are conditions where it is not believed, but overall is believed. There are vague visualizations that convey that general sense, but I need to work on making them more specific.



Dominique Williams

I am here to spread compassion, love, and peace- though that may not be nice, sexy, or happy.