Happy Zombie Apocalypse, Love, Los Angeles

Don Cummings
2 min readOct 30, 2019


Dear Friends,

If you are looking for something ghoulish to do this Halloween season, why not read about how Zombies are taking over Los Angeles?

Screenplay by Don Cummings and Bradford Brillowski.

Illustrations by Peter Landau.

Follow us on Instagram @OhtheHorrorLA

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And you can read the whole thing we have so far (Peter has illustrated up to page 30 of the screenplay) from the start in chronological order:

Oh The Horror from the Start

Get going! Learn how to survive the Zombie Apocalypse. But don’t forget how to have a little fun along the way. (Sometimes, a martini in one hand and a baseball bat in the other can really make your night!)

Here’s a fetid taste:

Happy Halloween!

